Today in History:

349 Series I Volume XXVI-II Serial 42 - Port Hudson Part II


HOUSTON, TEX., October 23, 1863.

Brigadier General HENRY E. McCULLOCH,

Commanding Northern Sub-District, Bonham:

GENERAL: I am directed by Major-General Magruder to say, touching your communication of the 16th instant, that the threatened condition of this section of the State by the advance, of the enemy prevents re-enforcements and arms being sent to you. The calm also now existing on the northern frontier seems to disfavor the necessity of either arms or men to re-enforce you at present. In regard to the State troops, I am directed to say that no discharges will be made by you on any grounds. All applications will be made to Major Cave, chief of bureau of State troops, at Houston.

The orders in regard to putting in substitutes are plain in their provisions, and to prevent any deviation or error in proceeding to that end, I have the honor to inclose General Orders, Numbers 28, * from headquarters bureau of State troops for your information.

I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-General.

Bonham, Tex., October 23, 1863.

Captain EDMUND P. TURNER, Assistant Adjutant-General:

CAPTAIN: I received your letter of instructions, Numbers 766, dated October 17, 1863, respecting the recall of General Bankhead's brigade from the Indian Territory, and have done all I believe I am authorized to do in obedience to it, which was to send General Steele a copy of the letter and urge him by letter, a copy of which I inclose to you, + to comply with the general's demand.

Under orders from your headquarters, General Gano has been sent to take command of that brigade, and General Bankhead retired from the same.

General Bankhead has gone in the direction of Houston some days, and will, I presume, report in a short time, and, I suppose, if General Steele sends the brigade, General Gano will be sent in command of it.

It may be that General Magruder does not know that the brigade alluded to has been sent to and retained in the Indian Territory by the direction of Lieutenant-General Smith. Such is the fact; consequently General Steele may not respect the order.

Most respectfully, &c.,


Brigadier-General, Commanding Northern Sub-District.

Shreveport, La., October 24, 1863.

Major General J. B. MAGRUDER, Commanding District of Texas, &c.:

GENERAL: The lieutenant-general commanding incloses for your consideration copy of a letter from General Moore, of Louisiana, ++ and directs me to say that no such order as is therein referred to has been issued from these headquarters. If any such orders has been published


* Not found.

+ See McCulloch to Steele, October 22, 1863, Series I, Vol. XXII, Part II, p. 1047.

++ See Moore to Smith, October 21, 1863, p. 342.
