Today in History:

903 Series I Volume XXVII-III Serial 45 - Gettysburg Campaign Part III


To defray expenses, $10, 000 are placed to your credit with the Treasurer of the Confederate States, at Richmond.

With the approval of the commander of the forces in the Valley, you will collect and remove like machinery, tools, and materials from the road leading from Winchester to Harper`s Ferry.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel of Engineers, and Chief of Bureau.


Commanding Fourth Brigade, Camp at Piney:

COLONEL: Your letter of the 10th was received at my headquarters during my absence on a visit to the left of my line, and since my return other letters and papers requiring my attention have prevented me from answering yours sooner.

I cannot answer all the questions you ask without seeming to desire to vindicate myself as well as you from blame, which Brigadier-General Jenkins or any one else may have attempted to attach to either of us, because of your failure to move to Fayetteville in the latter part of March last, nor do I think it necessary that I should answer them in order to enable you to excuse yourself from any such imputations, if any have been made; but I can and do most cheerfully say what I think should entirely vindicate you from any charge that has been made against you.

If any blame whatever attaches to any one for your failure to move to Fayetteville on or about the 24th of March last, or at any other time in that month, it attaches properly to me. I ordered you to move, and countermanded the order. I gave it and countermanded it for reasons which I thought satisfactory. I can further say that when I gave the order to you to move, there were many difficulties in your way, which I am satisfied you exerted yourself to the utmost to overcome, and did overcome, and that all you did and omitted was and is fully approved by me.

Brigadier-General Jenkins has made no official report to me of his raid, though directed to do so, but I am satisfied that he encountered no force in the Kanawha Valley which he would not have encountered if you had moved to Fayetteville. I can further state that I was at your camp at Princeton on or about the 24th of March last, the last day appointed for your movement; that I reviewed your brigade, and believe I expressed to you-I certainly did to others-my gratification at its admirable condition.

You ask that I will put you in the proper light before the Department, and not allow the Secretary to be prejudiced against you. I saw the Secretary of War on the 2nd and 4th of this month, and spoke to him of you and your brigade, and asked that you be given the rank suitable to your command, and, as I thought, to your merit. I am satisfied from what be said that he is not in the slightest degree prejudiced against you.

I think I have said enough, colonel, to enable you to excuse yourself from any accusations in this matter. If I have omitted anything, throw that also on me.

You say you have my letters " which would vindicate me" (you),