Today in History:

233 Series I Volume XXVII-III Serial 45 - Gettysburg Campaign Part III



June 20, 1863-9. 40 p. m.

Major General H. W. HALLECK,


As it is now certain that the enemy has advanced to Monocacy, and his scouts were this afternoon within 7 miles of Westminster, still nearer, I suggest that Couch's forces at Harrisburg may be more needed here than there. The rebel cavalry, it appears, have entirely left Chambersburg, and fallen back to Hagerstown. It is important, if possible, to keep open the Northern Central Railroad.



Baltimore, MD.,

June 20, 1863-10 p. m.

General BARRY, Chief of Artillery:

Have you not a spare battery, or rather two of them, from your camp of instruction, or elsewhere, that you can send me immediately? General Ripley cannot fill the requisitions made, and I need guns. Even field pieces, if nothing heavier, for defensive works I am constructing.


Major-General, Commanding.

WASHINGTON, D. C., June 20, 1863.

Brigadier General W. SCOTT KETCHUM, Washington:

GENERAL; The Secretary of War directs that you immediately repair to Harper's Ferry, and inspect and report upon the condition of that place and its garrison, more especially upon the numbers of the latter. General Schenck's tri-monthly report of May 31, gives the aggregate present for duty at Harper's Ferry 12, 395, and at Winchester 6, 247, making a total at the two places of 18, 642 present for duty. On this night of June 9, General Schenck telegraphed to me the position of his troops about Harper's Ferry as follows: At Harper's Ferry, 6, 300; at Winchester, 6, 900; at Martinsburg, 3, 000, and at Point of Rocks and Fredericksburg, 3, 400; making a total of 19, 600. General Schenck reported on the 10th instant an aggregate present for duty at Harper's Ferry, 12, 479, and at Winchester, 7, 579; total at the two places present for duty, 20, 058. I have several times within the last few months warned General Schenck of the danger of leaving General Milroy's force at Winchester, and advised him to make it a mere vedette post or lookout, withdrawing everything else to Harper's Ferry. On learning that the enemy was moving in that direction, I addressed to him on the 8th the following telegram, marked A, to draw in his outposts. On the 11th, I again telegraphed to him to concentrate his forces in these posts at Harper's Ferry. (See copy of telegram marked B.) It is understood that the troops at Martinsburg were withdrawn, but that those at Winchester remained they till they were attacked, on the 14th, when they retreated in great disorder, losing much of their