Today in History:

743 Series I Volume XXVII-I Serial 43 - Gettysburg Campaign Part I


had couched themselves in houses and steeples of publie buildings, harassed us constantly with their fire. About 4 p. m. opened what is said to be the grandest cannonade of the war, which lasted for about five hours, chiefly directed to the position held by your brigade and the residue of the corps. My regiment endured it with a coolness and resolution most commendable. Late in the evening(about 9 p. m.) the enemy made a most desperate charge upon a battery supported by the First Division of our corps. They rushed forward with incredible fierceness, driving back the First Livision in disorder, and actually reached the guns (one of which our men had already spiked) and demanded a surrender, but the commander of the battery and his brave cannoneers did notyield. Then you, seeing the critical position of affairs, and well knowing how soon the enemy would possess himself of the battery and his brave cannoneers did notyield. Then you, seeing the critical position of affairs, and well knowing how soon the enemy would possess himself of the battery and the commanding heights if not forced back, called upon our regiment and the Fifty-eighth New York Volunteers, also of oyour brigade, to fall in and advance against them. It is needless for me to sayh, general, for you led us in person, with what alacrity the regiment responded, and with what determination it moved forwar, and with what courage it met the foe, and, in conjunction with the gallant Fifty-eighthl, drove him back, saved the position, and thus secured the whole army from irreparable disaster. Here ends the second day's struggle. During the night your ordered us to take position opposite the cemetery, in a field. Here the regiment remained during the whole of the day (July 3), maintaining its ground and receiving the attacks of the enemy with the greatest coolness and gallantry. As is well known, we were constantly perplexed as on the previous day, and that again from - a. m. until - p. m. the regiment was under the heaviest fire of the enemy's cannon, exhibiting the same coolness which had characterized it before. When slept on our arms again, but had no encounter, it appearing that the enemy, defeated and and disheartened, had fled away. The enxt morning (July 4) about 8 a. m. your ordered us, with the Twenty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, on a reconnaissance, you commanding it in person. We advanced in an easterly direction toward York for the distance of about 2 miles, completely scouring the whole country, and taking many prisoners. You then, having accomplished your purpose. ordered us to return to the position we had left in the morning. This being done, we there remained until ordered forward with the rest of the corps in pursuit of the enemy toward Emmitsburg. Our regiment had suffered very heavily in the loss of officers and enlisted men. Colonel Lockman fell, wounded, while gallantly standing at his post. Adjutant Dodge, Captain Volkhausen, and Lieutenant Trumpelman were all seriously wounded while nobly struggling against the enemy, the two former (Adjutant Dodge and Captain Volkhausen) having had their legs amputated, and the latter (Lieutenant Trumpelman), I regret to say, has since died from the effect of his wound. Lieutenant M. Raseman and Lieutenant Frost were, I am sad to say, killed, Both died the death of heroes. Lieutenant A. B. von Cloedt is a prisoner in the hands of the enemy. Lieutenant-Colonel Lloyd, who assumed command of the regiment upon Colonel Lockman's receiving the wound, behaved with