Today in History:

671 Series I Volume XVII-II Serial 25 - Corinth Part II


diers, as well as officers, must not go with impunity. Already officers urge that acts are done despite their efforts to repress disorder.

Even if you don't choose to report for duty, don't you think it were well for you to make your way up into this mountain region? It is a more bracing atmosphere.

The London Post [Palmerston's organ] has a most significant article, indicating our early recognition in plain terms as inevitable. Lyndsay's resolution of recognition was withdrawn from the House of Parliament at the request of Lord Palmerston, who begged that the matter should be left to the Government. All the signs indicate, I think unmistakably, an early action on the part of England and France, but you will remember that I have always said the same-yes, I have always held that it was inevitable and the only way that this war could be ended. Europe, be assured, will not permit it to be carried on much longer, especially on the destructive, savage basis inaugurated by Pope-a modern imitation of the course of Attila, the Hun.

Excuse this long letter, which I presume you would have preferred in installments. Captain Deslonde was here to-day; said he would write to you soon.

Hoping that you have now recovered and feel ready for duty, I remain, truly, your friend,


HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT Numbers 2, Chattanooga, Tenn., August 8, 1862.

General S. COOPER,
Adjutant and Inspector General, C. S. Army:

GENERAL: I regard it my duty to submit the following for the consideration of the War Department:

Many of the regiments of this army are mere skeletons, but with complete regimental organization, which makes them costly without corresponding benefits to such a degree as to call for a speedy and radical remedy. There are two methods by which the evil may be cured: The weaker regiments may be broken up; the men, with a limited or restricted choice between regiments and companies, may be permanently distributed among the troops of the same State and the officers discharged; or such regiments may be temporarily broken up, the men assigned for the time to such other regiments as may most require them, and the supernumerary officers detached to assist in collecting and enrolling conscripts and establishing and conducting camps of instruction, from which men shall be drawn to fill up the regiments in the service, and to reorganize the old regiments, in which case all the old soldiers scattered in other regiments shall be restored.

To the first plan, which has been partially authorized in this department, there are some patent objections in operation. By it very many incapable, inefficient officers are retained and some of the best officers in the army are necessarily discharged. Injustice is done to some worthy, zealous officers, and material injury wrought to the service, which can ill afford to lose one capable officer at this juncture. In several instances, in view of an existing deleterious condition, I have recommended resort to this plan, but am satisfied some better one must be sought. That, I think, will be found in the second reamed proposed, namely, the temporary breaking up of all these skeleton regiments, the dispersion of the men among the several regiments from the same State, and the retention and employment of al effective, competent officers,