Today in History:

335 Series I Volume XVII-II Serial 25 - Corinth Part II


adult male population behind at liberty to leave their homes. Yet within the short space of sixteen days I have completed the organization, mustered, and forwarded from the different camps in Illinois six regiments of infantry and one six-gun battery to Columbus, Ky., and six regiments of infantry and one six-gun battery to Memphis, Tenn.

From Indiana I have forwarded five regiments of infantry and from Iowa three, also to Columbus, Ky. In addition to these organizations already forwarded there is another regiment of infantry in Illinois now under marching orders, and three others in the same State will be mustered by the middle of the current week; and ten more in Iowa, as I am informed, are only lacking overcoats, which I hope soon to furnish. Besides these, probably by the 15th instant twelve or more regiments from Illinois and Iowa may be moved, making twenty regiments of infantry and two batteries gone and twelve nearly ready to go. Four other regiments of infantry, six of cavalry, and four companies of artillery are being enlisted in Illinois, and two other regiments of infantry in Iowa.

Although enlistments in Illinois are less tardy than before the election, yet the probable delay that will attend the completion of the cavalry and artillery organizations has induced me to recommend to Governor Yates the consolidation of all such deficient organizations after the 20th instant, in order that such as may be completed by this process may be hastened to the field.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Major-General, U. S. Volunteers.


Washington, November 10, 1862.

Major-General WRIGHT, Cincinnati, Ohio:

All spare troops are to be sent to Memphis.



LA GRANGE, TENN., November 10, 1862.

Major General WILLIAM T. SHERMAN, Memphis, Tenn.:

GENERAL: Colonel Grierson and company arrived here yesterday about 4 p. m. without accident by the way. Your policies of encouraging trade with the citizens I am satisfied with so long as the Treasury Department throw no more restrictions in the way than they do at present; but I think such articles as are of prime necessity for the supply of an army there should be some restriction in. As we expect to advance southward so soon, however, I do not deem any change from your present policy either necessary or desirable.

McPherson returned last evening from a reconnaissance in force toward Holly Springs. The cavalry had some skirmishing, resulting in the capture of about 130 of the Confederates; 16 killed on their side that our troops saw, and no doubt many wounded. Our cavalry was armed with revolving rifles and dismounted, while the enemy was mostly armed with shot-guns and on horseback.

The reconnaissance was pushed to Coldwater and across it. The facts ascertained from observation, from citizens, deserters, and prisoners, are that on our arrival here Price commenced the evacuation of Holly Springs. Pemberton came up on Wednesday evening and counter