Today in History:

584 Series I Volume XVII-I Serial 24 - Corinth Part I


better, but so well, and all regret for this single mishap is forgotten in admiration of the courage of these gallant men.

Lieutenant-Colonel Fedfield and Captain Cameron of this regiment were especially conspicuous for their coolness and energy at this time. The former, although severely and dangerously wounded, seemed entirely forgetful of his own sufferings in his efforts to rally his men. Color-Corporal Armstrong also attacked particular attention, for although his companion had fallen at his side, pierced by several balls, yet he was ready at every command to put down his flag as a rallying point.

With the exception of this single incident my entire command throughout the day manifested the greatest enthusiasm and the most perfect confidence in their success, and at no time more than the moment before your arrival with the other brigade. The One hundred and twenty-second Illinois deserves especial notice. It is a comparatively new regiment and a part of it was at one time more exposed to the enemy's fire than any other; at any rate it suffered more in killed and wounded. Its gallant colonel fell severely wounded, yet its courage never flagged and it met every duty and every danger with unwavering resolution. The detachment of the Eighteenth acted for the most part with it and deserves the same commendation.

To the Fiftieth Indiana, because of its greater experience, being an older regiment, was assigned the most responsible position of the field, and it is only necessary to say that under its vigilant and brave commander it so did its duties as to show that the trust was worthily confided.

I should also especially mention Captain Silence and Adjutant Simpson. By their vigilance and energy in observing and reporting every movement, by their promptness in conveying orders and in seeing to and aiding in their execution, and in many other ways were they were often exposed to the enemy's hottest fire. Captain Silence had two horses shot under him.

My mounted orderly, Fred. L. Prow, of the Fiftieth Indiana, also did good service in conveying orders. I should also acknowledge my personal obligation to him. When my own horse was shot under me he rode forward under a terrible fire, dismounted, and gave me his.

I hope to be pardoned also for mentioning a gallant little feat of Private E. A. Topliff, of the battery. As our line face about and pressed back in their engagement of the enemy at our rear one of the guns of the battery was left behind in the edge o the wood. All the horses belonging to it had been killed but two. After everybody had passed and left it, he, fearing that the enemy might capture it, alone, under a smart fire, disengaged the two horses, hitched them to the piece, and took it out safely.

The losses of my command are: Killed, 23; wounded, 139; missing, 58. Total, 220. Many of the wounds (probably one-half) are slight. Adams, of the Fiftieth Indiana, and Lieutenant -, of the -, acting temporarily as my aide. Captain Hungate had been very unwell for two or three days, but had with great resolution kept with his company. The night previous he became and continued very sick, and was with the assistant surgeon of his regiment at the rear, where he had established his hospital. Lieutenant Adams was assisting in arranging the hospital and in making provision for the wounded already being brought in. They, and also Assistant Surgeon Hervey and the