Today in History:

483 Series I Volume XV- Serial 21 - Baton Rouge-Natchez


Legion Francaise, pour la ville de la Nouvelle Orleans, Etate de la Louisiane.

Les soussignes, sujects francais, demeurant en la ville de la Nouvelle Orleans, s'etat reunis pour former une legion qui prend le nom de "Legion Francaise," et s'etant mis a la disposition du gouverneur de l'Etat pour servir activement dans la ville de la Nouvelle Orleans, conviennent que l'engagement suivant sera signe en double expedition par tous les membres de la dite legion-une expedition sera evoyee a l'adjudant-general de l'Etat, l'autre sera deposee aux archives de la legion;

Nous, soussignes, officiers, sous-officiers et soldats de la compagnie, tous sujets francais, promettons par le present aussitot que nos officiers auront recu leurs brevets, de nous tenir prets a obeir, en tout temps, aux orders du gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane et de nos officiers superieurs, nous engageant a prendre du service actif, lorsque nous requis, dans les limitis de la ville de la Nouvelle Orleans.

[Inclosure No. 2.]

New Olreans, June 10, 1862.

The Constitution and laws of the United States require that all military, civil, judicial, executive, and legislative officers of the United States and of the several States shall take an oath to support the Constitution and laws. If a person desires to sereve the United States, or to receive special profit from a protection from the United States, he should take upon himself the corresponding obligation. This oath will not be, as it has never been, forced upon any. It is too sacred an obligation, too exalted in its tenure, and brings with it too many benefits and privileges to be profaned by unwilling lip-service. It enables its recipient to say, "I am an American citizens," the highest title known, save that of him who can say with Saint Paul, "I was free born,: and have never renounced tha freedom.

Judges, justices, sheriffs, attorneys, notaries, and all officers of the law whatever, and all persons who have ever been or who have ever claimed to be citizens of the United States in this department, who therefore exercise any office, hold any place of trust or calling whatever, which shall or may affect any other person than the actor, must take and subscribe the following oath:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear ture faith and allegiance to the United States of America and will support the Constitution thereof.

All acts, doings, deeds, instruments, records, or certificates,. certified or attested by, and transactions done, performed, or made by, any of the persons above described, from and after the 15th day of June instant, who shall not have taken and subscirbeed such oath, are void and of no effect. It having become necessary, in the judgment of the commanding general, as a "public necessary," to distinguish those who are are well-disposed toward the Government of the United States from those who still hold allegiance to the Confederate States, and ample time having been given to all citizen having been afforded, according to the terms of the proclamation of May 1: