Today in History:

473 Series I Volume XLVI-II Serial 96 - Appomattox Campaign Part II


which was thus announced, the anti-slavery policy of the United States was reviewed in all its bearings, and the President announced that he must not be expected to depart from the positions he had heretofore assume din his proclamation of emancipation and other documents, as these positions were reiterated in his last annual message. It was further declared by the President that the complete restoration of the national authority everywhere was in indispensable condition of any assent on our part to whatever form of peace might be proposed. The President assured the other party that, while he must adhere to these positions, he would be prepared, so far as power is lodged with the Executive, to exercise liberality. His power, however, is limited by the Constitution, and when peace should be made, Congress must necessarily act in regard to appropriations of money and to the admission of representatives from the insurrectionary States. The Richmond party were then informed that Congress had, on the 31st ultimo, adopted, by a constitutional majority, a joint resolution submitting to the several States the proposition to abolish slavery throughout the Union, and that there is every arson to expect that it will be soon accepted by three-fourths of the States, so as to become a part of the National organic law.

The conference came to an end by mutual acquiescence, without producing an agreement of views upon the several matters discussed or any of them. Nevertheless, it is perhaps of some importance that we have been able to submit our opinions and views directly t prominent insurgents, and to hear them in answer in a courteous and not unfriendly manner.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA, February 7, 1865.

(Received 5 p. m.)

Honorable W. H. SEWARD:

Contemplated raid from Canada, to be composed of about 600 men. Cannot ascertain place of starting or point of attack. One object of raid to make trouble between United States and England. Davis referred to yesterday doubtless recently arrested near Cincinnati.


U. S. Consul.


Washington, February 8, 1865-2.30 p. m.

Lieutenant-General GRANT,

City Point, Va.:

I am called on by the House of Representatives to give an account of my interviews with Messrs. Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell, and it is very desirable to me to put in your dispatch of February 1 to the Secretary of War, in which, among other things, you say, "I fear now their going back without any expression from any one in authority will have a bad influence." I think the dispatch does you credit, while I do not see that it can embarrass you. May I use it?