Today in History:

302 Series I Volume XLVI-II Serial 96 - Appomattox Campaign Part II

Page 302 N.AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.

WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C., January 30, 1865-10 a. m.

Major-General ORD,

Headquarters Army of James:

By direction of the President you are instructed to inform the three gentlemen-Messrs. Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell-that a messenger will be dispatched to them at or near where they now are without unnecessary delay.


Secretary of War.

WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, January 30, 1865.

Major-General ORD,

Commanding, &c.;

GENERAL: The President desires that you well please procure for the bearer, Major Thomas T. Eckert, an interview with Messrs. Stephens, Hunter, and Campbell, and if on his return to you he requests it pass them through our lines to Fort Monroe, by such route and under such military precautions as you may deem prudent, giving them protections as you may deem prudent, giving them protection and comfortable quarters while there, and that you let none of this have any effect upon your military movements or plans.

By order of the President:


Secretary of War.

HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF THE JAMES, January 30, 1865-2.55 p. m.

Honorable E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of WAr:

Richmond Whig contains the following:

WILMINGTON, January 28, 1865.

A fire occurred at 1 p. m. to-day in lot of cotton-435 bales-on wharf in front of the custom-house. Nearly all of the cotton was consumed. The adjacent buildings were not damaged. A stiff northwesterly breeze prevails. The weather is very cold. Two car-loads of cotton were consumed this morning on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, four miles from town. All quiet below.


MACON, January 28, 1865.

Private advices from Savannah state that Sherman commenced his movements on South Carolina on the 17th instant with three columns, the main column moving toward Charleston, taking nearly all his transportation; two other columns, in light marching order, requiring non-combatants to leave Augusta.

Upon the heel of the departure of our commissioners a rumor gained currency that bearers of dispatches had arrived in Richmond from both French and English governments. We need hardly add hat we could trace it to no authentic source.

Page 302 N.AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.