Today in History:

736 Series I Volume XLVI-I Serial 95 - Appomattox Campaign Part I

Page 736 N. AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.

Throughout the campaign officers and men have behaved with great gallantry. Although frequently very short of rations and much exhausted from the long and fatiguing marches, not a murmur was heard during the whole eleven days marching and fighting.

I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of my staff. Especial would I can attention to Captain H. Dodt, my acting assistant adjutant-general. His gallantry and energy in action are distinguished and much to be commended. He was of great service to me during the campaign by the faithful and cheerful manner in which he discharged his duties. I respectfully recommend that he be brevetted major.

Captain L. L. Rose, commissary of subsistence, being upon duty on the staff, was frequently under fire, and was of great assistance to me in selecting the line of march.

I inclose the reports of my regimental commanders.

I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brevet Brigadier-General, Commanding Brigade.

Lieutenant Colonel R. A. BROWN,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Numbers 39. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Pokorny, Seventh New York Infantry.

April 15, 1865.

SIR: In compliance with orders received from brigade headquarters, I beg to submit the following account of the part taken by this regiment in the recent operations:

The regiment left its camp near Hatcher's Run on the morning of March 29, crossed Hatcher's Run at about 3 p. m., and immediately began building breast-works. At 4 o'clock formed line of battle and advanced about five miles and a half, where the regiment rested for the night in a breast-works evacuated by the enemy.

On March 30 advanced at 4 o'clock in the morning about one mile, building several times breast-works on our road; heard heavy picket-firing at our right and prepared for an engagement.

On the 31st, at 4 a. m., we marched along the breast-work in order to relieve the Fifth Corps, which was engaged with the enemy; 100 men of the regiment were sent as re-enforcement to the Fourth Brigade, which was in front. At 11 o'clock the regiment finds itself engaged also; it charges the enemy, drives him out of a farm, advances farther, and finally remains in the woods, where breast-works were at once erected. Our loss on this day amounts to 1 officer killed, 3 officers and 16 men wounded. Eighty-five prisoners in the hands of the regiment proves that it has done its duty. In the night ensuing we give a picket of thirty-five men, who rejoin us in the morning of the 1st of April. The regiment returns to the position from where it had marched the day previous. In the evening we advance again to the breast-works abandoned in the morning and remain there about one hour. We give a picket of twenty-five men, who take part in a reconnaissance undertaken by General De Trobriad and lose about 13 men wounded and missing. The regiment along with the whole division marches afterward to join Sheridan's army, which it reaches at about 2 o'clock in the night.

Page 736 N. AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter LVIII.