Today in History:

650 Series I Volume XIX-II Serial 28 - Antietam Part II

Page 650 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XXXI.

men and horses not being wisely managed, although Captain nelson has saved with as distinguished gallantry as any officer in the Confederate Army. For cool intrepidity and heroic daring-indeed, for the most genuine fidelity and chivalry-Captain Wash. Nelson in unsurpassed. He has earned high eulogiums on the battle-field, and yet he is not, in some respects, adapted to take care of a battery, nor are his lieutenants, though one of them (Lieutenant Fontaine) is a good officer to be provided for. Captain Nelson would make a splendid aide or cavalry officer, and as such is earnestly recommended. His men, numbering 60, had better be assigned-20 to Captain Kirkpatrick's company, Major Nelson's battalion, and 40 to Captain Woolfolk's company, col. S. D. Lee's battalion, thus to join neighbors and friends.

5. Captain John R. Johnson's battery, as not up to a fair standard of care on the part of officers, or peculiar adeptness in them for their work, although the battery, of comparatively brief history, has done some worthy service. With 62 men and 50 horses, the captain now calls for 48 horses to complete his battery. The men from Bedford County, West Virginia, I would suggest may be well assigned, one-half to Captain Dearing and the other half to Captain Stribling.

6. Captain [A. L.] Rogers' (Loudoun Artillery), as below the service standard, having only 45 men present for duty, and only 2 lieutenants, not fully adequate to command, and 1 sergeant present, the captain himself being absent on private account. The company has served throughout the war, and with effect in several actions; still, it is not now in fair condition, nor does it present much promise for the future. Its men and horses I recommend for Captain Stribling,

7. Captain Anderson's battery (Thomas Artillery), as below the service standard, having only 29 men left, making, with the 27 to be returned by the Louisiana Washington Artillery, only 56 in all, and only 22 horses, others having been assigned more efficient batteries when the army moved from Leesburg into Maryland. This battery has rendered good service, but its present enfeebled condition proves something needed. Its men and horse and two senior lieutenants I recommend for Captain Caskie.

8. Captain Leeke's battery, as also below the service standard. It has seen much active service, principally upon the coast of South Carolina, and is commanded by a most estimable citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia; a gentleman entitled to all honor for the patriotism displayed in the military service he has undertaken and well performed. Still, the battery is now greatly enfeebled, having only 48 men and 58 horses, most of which are unfit for service. The men and horses I recommend for assignment to Captain Thomas H. Carter.

9. Captain Thomas Jefferson Page's [jr.] battery, as below the service standard, with little prospect of increased strength, having only about 45 men and 25 horses. Captain Page is a brave and faithful officer, and his company has in several actions done good service. He would make an excellent staff officer, and as such I cordially recommend him. Lieutenant Magruder also deserves well, and will, I hope, have a suitable position. The men and horses I recommend for assignment to the Virginia companies under Colonel S. D. Lee, and Captain Page himself to be attached to that command in the capacity of aide to the colonel.

10. Captain Fleet's battery (Middlesex Artillery). this battery is justly eulogized by its division commander and his chief of artillery for gallantry in several actinon, and yet I submit respecting it these facts: It was sent to Leesburg, with a note from General Jackson, as not in efficient condition to move forward, and under the order there issued by

Page 650 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., MD., AND PA. Chapter XXXI.