Today in History:

531 Series I Volume IX- Serial 9 - Roanoke


in readiness to charge whenever the cannon were about to retreat. Soon our men from the mountain sides made it took hot for their gunners, and they fell back about 1 1/2 miles and took another and more advantageous position, completely covering the sides of the mountains with their skirmishers to support their guns in the canon below them.

Having mean time assembled our skirmishers in the canon, we again deployed Company D, First Colorado Volunteers, on the right, and Companies A and E, First Colorado Volunteers, on the left, and dismounted all the cavalry and deployed them as skirmishers, except Company F, First Colorado Volunteers, Captain Cook, who was ordered to charge them the moment they gave way before the fire of our infantry. After a contest of an hour they began to prepare for another retreat, and by this time Company D, Captain Downing, had well nigh flanked them, so as to cut off their retreat, Captain Cook and Lieutenants Nelson and Marshall leading the way. Company F now made a flying charge on the enemy, running over and trampling them under the horses' feet. Captain Downing with his men, and Lieutenant Bernard with Company C, Third Cavalry, poured into him a sharp fire from the right, which drove him up a canon on the left side of the main canon, when Companies A and E, First Colorado Volunteers, took a large number of prisoners. It now being sundown, and we not knowing how near the enemy's re-enforcements might be, and having no cannon to oppose theirs, hastened to gather up our dead and wounded and several of the enemy's, and then fell back to Pigeon's Ranch and encamped for the night.

Our loss was 5 killed and 14 wounded. The loss of the enemy was, as we ascertained from their own accounts, 32 killed, 43 wounded, and 71 taken prisoners.

I am, sir, with much respect, your obedient servant,


Major, First Regiment Colorado Volunteers.

Brigadier General E. R. S. CANBY, U. S. A.,

Commanding Department New Mexico, Santa Fe, N. Mex.

Numbers 2. Report of Captain Charles J. Walker, Second U. S. Cavalry, including engagement at Glorieta, March 28.

FORT CRAIG, N. MEX., May 20, 1862.

SIR: In compliance with orders from the Headquarters of the South Military District, Fort Craig, N. Mex., of May 18, 1862, requiring a detailed report of the operations of my company or command in the recent actions of Apache Canon and Pigeon's Ranch, I have the honor to state that on the morning of the 26th of March last my company, forming a part of the cavalry command under Captain G. W. Howland, Third Cavalry, moved from Gray's Ranch, near the old Pecos Church, in the direction of Johnson's Ranch, in Apache Canon, a point near which we reached about 2 o'clock p. m. We here discovered the enemy, about 250 or 300 strong, some 400 or 500 yards in front of us. They had two pieces of artillery in position on the road, and were awaiting us. As soon as our column appeared they opened fire with their battery, and, though they kept it up between five and ten minutes at close range, did us no damage. They then retired with their guns, and our