Today in History:

676 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek

Page 676 OPERATIONS IN MO., ARK., KANS., AND IND. T. Chapter X.

entitled to quell rights and privileges according to the constitution and laws of the nation.

Resolved, That we proclaim unwavering attachment to the constitution and laws of the Cherokee Nation, and solemnly pledge ourselves to defend and support the same, and as far as in us lies to secure to the citizens of the nation all the rights and privileges which they guarantee to them.

Resolved, That among the rights guaranteed by the constitution and laws we distinctly recognize that of property in negro slaves, and hereby publicly denounce as calumniators those who represent us to be abolitionists, and as a consequence hostile to the South, which is both the land f our birth and the land of our homes.

Resolved, That the great consideration with the Cherokee people should be a united and harmonious support and defense of their common rights, and we hereby pledge ourselves to mutually sustain our nationality, and to donate our lives and the integrity of our homes and soil whenever the same shall be wantonly assailed by lawless marauders.

Resolved, That, reposing full confidence in the constituted authorities of the Cherokee Nation, we submit to their wisdom the management of all question which affect our interests growing out of the exigencies of the relations between the United and Confederate States of America, and which may render an alliance on our par with the latter States expedient and desirable.

And which resolutions, upon the question of their passage being put, were carried by acclamation.



WM. P. ROSS, Secretary.

TAHLEQUAH, C. N., August 21, 1861.

New Madrid, August 24, 1861-2 o'clock.

[General POLK:]

GENERAL: I have the reached this place and find matters as I left them. I am now actively engaged preparing everything to leave in the morning. I learn from a dispatch from Thompson that the enemy is increasing his forces very materially at the Cape. The information is not definite, however, and we cannot tell what his forces are. It enters into my plans, if successful in taking the Cape and I can get across the river with my force, to hold that place, to cut the river line of communication of the enemy, to cross with all the balance of the force over the bridge across the creek 7 miles beyond Cairo and attack that place in reverse, and if I take Cairo, with the guns there drive out the forces in Bird's Point.

In anticipation of the movement being made and of success, I wish you to give orders to General Clark if I do succeed, and give him intelligence of the fact, immediately to advance all the Union City forces to my position by railroad through Columbus; and in order that water transportation be at hand I think you had better have three or four large boats within reach of this place.

This may all become impossible by obstacles in my wy, but I do not now see them; but if I find the work practicable and I can get boats to

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