Today in History:

452 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek

Page 452 OPERATIONS IN MO., ARK., KANS., AND IND. T. Chapter X.

Jefferson City, Mo., August 22, 1861.

Captain SPEED BUTLER, Asst. Adjt. General, Saint Louis, Mo.:

During yesterday I visited the camps of the different commands about this city, and selected locations for troops yet to arrive. I find a great deficiency in everything for the comfort and efficiency of an army. Most of the troops are without clothing, camp and garrison equipage. Ammunition was down to about ten rounds of cartridges, and for the artillery none is left.

The artillery here consists of four 6-pounder, without artillery-men, and one 24-pounder howitzer, too heavy for field use. The post quartermaster and commissary have not been here since my arrival, so that I cannot report fully as to these departments. They are apparently in a bad condition. There are no rations to issue. The mules sent some time since are guarded in a lot, no effort being made to get them into teams, and a general looseness prevailing. I have fitted out an expedition of 350 men to scour the country around where the cars were fired into day before yesterday. Such information has been received here as will probably lead to the arrest of many of the parties engaged. The party in pursuit will subsist off of the community through which they pass. Stringent instructions have been given as to how supplies are to be got. From reports received here the whole of this country is in a state of ferment. They are driving out the Union men and appropriating their property. The best force to put this down would be mounted Home Guards, and I would therefore recommend that a many as possible of this class of troops be put upon horses. Generally they are able to mount themselves, and when they cannot, horses could be obtained from good secessionists who have been aiding and abetting the Southern cause. I would further recommend that companies of Home Guards be received without any reference to their being organized into regiments. They can be attached to other regiments either by companies or squadrons, and be quite as effective as if in large bodies.



Jefferson City, Mo., August 23, 1861.

Captain SPEED BUTLER, Saint Louis, Mo.:

Since my last report to Twenty-fifth Illinois Regiment, Colonel Coler commanding, and seven companies of the First Illinois Cavalry have reached here. I telegraphed you yesterday the precarious condition Lexington was in, and of the expedition I was fitting out for the relief of that point. As the gentleman from whom I got my information (mr.-) called upon you, it is not necessary that I should enter into particulars.

Colonel Marshall goes in command of the expedition, taking with him all his own command, about 300 Home Guards, and a section of Taylor's battery, should it arrive in time. They will subsist on the country through which they pass, under full instructions. I am not fortifying he at all. With the picket guard and other duty coming upon the men of this command, there is but little time left for drilling. Drill and discipline are more necessary for the men than fortifications. Another difficulty in the way of fortifying is that I have no engineer officer to direct it; no time to attend to it myself, and very little disposition to

Page 452 OPERATIONS IN MO., ARK., KANS., AND IND. T. Chapter X.