Today in History:

402 Series I Volume III- Serial 3 - Wilson's Creek

Page 402 OPERATIONS IN MO., ARK., KANS., AND IND. T. Chapter X.

had sent off our forces, Hurlbut sent Palmer on to guard the Chariton Bridge with his entire regiment, and left Smith to do the best he could. I, of course, immediately re-enforced him. Meanwhile the enemy burned the bridge above Mexico.

Hammer telegraphed from Hermann that he concluded to leave the river there, as transportation was easily procured, and that he had made arrangements to effect a junction with McNeil. The next I heard of him he was at New Florence, on the railroad, and McNeil, with 460 men, was near Fulton, where I then knew he would meet Harris. You can imagine my anxiety, and afterward my relief, when I heard from that brave fellow McNeil that he had fought and routed the rebels.

The next day after this affair General Pope sent me word that he would go into Northeast Missouri with a large force. He has done so. He expects to have 7,000 men there, two batteries, and four companies of cavalry. McNeil still lies at Fulton. Hammer came down from the railroad, and McNeil has ordered him here. Everything quiet in Callaway. The northeast may be considered secure.

From Jefferson I have had nothing but trouble. It being impossible to supply the places of Boernstein's six companies, I have left him there, and - but I won't stop to mention his performances.

At home our friends are alarmed, and the city is uneasy. I receive about five deputations per diem, warning me that I ought not to send away so many troops (2,200 U. S. Reserve Corps left), and sometimes hinting that I will be overhauled by higher powers for doing so. The only danger is in case of an advance from Arkansas. But the first demonstration will result in clearing Saint Louis of its secession element.

As far as your command is concerned, I fear that you think I have been neglectful of my duties, but I cannot admit the fact. Every order that you have sent I have immediately put into execution, and have seen it executed, so far as I could give my personal supervision to it. Mismanagement of transportation at Rolla, to which place 110 wagons had been sent before Brown moved, and probably the inferior kind of transportation furnished, accounts for the delay in getting supplies forward. Arms, ammunition, and provisions were lying for weeks at Rolla, while I supposed they were going forward, and I was not informed of the fact. When I did learn it I telegraphed to Washington, and had instructions sent to McKinstry to buy everything I required. McKinstry has also had sent to Rolla, at my request, one of Van Vliet's experienced clerk's, Thomas O'Brien, to whom I have given the entire control of quartermaster's affairs from Rolla onward. A large number of army wagons, with mules, have been bought and sent down, and I trust that there will be no more trouble there. Two hundred and fifty thousand rations were ordered on the 6th; 4,000 shoes and clothing to match were ordered on receipt of your letter of the 13th, and I presume are all on the way. I know that part have been shipped.

The line of communication from Rolla to Springfield is kept open by Wyman and Bayles. Wyman's is a splendid regiment, and I am trying to get other troops to supply his place and send him forward; but I am embarrassed by conduct which I scarcely think meets your approval, although I am informed that you gave your consent to it. Lieutenant-Colonel Hassendeubel, who arrived here yesterday, but has not reported himself, brought up with him one of Bayles' companies (Company L, Rifles, Fourth Regiment formerly, but since organized with others as a battalion), and has ordered Company M up, also, for the purpose of forming a three-years' regiment, of which he is to take the command.

Page 402 OPERATIONS IN MO., ARK., KANS., AND IND. T. Chapter X.