Today in History:

War And Faith

War And Faith

The Cincinnati Civil War Round Table Talk

Our January speaker, Rev. Dr. Stephen Brown spoke on the issue of how religion shaped the Civil War. Religion played a much greater role in the lives of 19th century Americans than it does today. It is not surprising then that religious faith guided and divided the people and churches of both North and South. Faith served to motivate as well justify the actions of Civil War participants.
How could people who both supported and opposed slavery read the same Bible but reach very different interpretations and teachings and beliefs about slavery from that Bible? How could Northerners and Southerners worship the same God, but pray for radically different results? Considering both sides supported their cause based on their beliefs in God and their Biblical interpretations, how did a president who never professed to being a Christian, come to believe in God's judgment upon his country and its history resulted in the tragedy of our Civil War?
We learned how Abraham Lincoln developed a personal "theology" which guided his understanding of God's role in the war and in turn guided his thoughts and actions. The often avoided topic of religion cannot be overlooked if one is to really understand what the Civil War was all about.
If you are interested in learning about a wide variety of topics concerning our Civil War, please attend our meetings on the third Thursday of each month at the Drake Center on Galbraith Road. Upcoming topics this year are:
February 19: A first person interpretation of General Lew Wallace
March 19: The Gettysburg Address
April 16: The National Civil War Museum
May 15: a presentation by Christopher Phillips of UC
For more information go to our web site at