Today in History:

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

National Underground Railroad

Freedom Center


A striking building overlooking the Cincinnati River, the Freedom Center makes an immediate impression on the mind of visitors. Dedicated not only to preserving and sharing the history of oppression in the United States, the Freedom Center continues the mission of freedom and spreading awareness about the plights of others currently suffering. Exhibits range from a walkthrough detailing the slave trade in America, to displays depicting the modern slave trades. Three floors contain these, as well as an art gallery and an exhibit detailing the underground railroad. A fourth floor holds a library dedicated to genealogy research which offers its services to the public free of charge. The Freedom Center should make its way onto the "must see" list of any American Civil War buff.

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The Freedom Center is located at 50 East Freedom Way Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. More information on events, exhibits, or contact information can be found at the Freedom Centers website: or by call them at (513) 333-7739.




