Today in History:

July 6, 1863

Monday. Had a good breakfast. Turned my prisoner over to others We took up the march--via Fayeteville for Quincy-- I told Corp. Metz I intended going on--To Chambersburg--To see wife and Baby--and would report in the morning again. He understood and I slipped away--and was soon making time for home--I got a fine "10 oclock piece" at Heintzelmans--on approaching Chambersburg I was assured there were still squads of rebs about town--Near town I was met by town folk inquiring about the battle. I was the first "blue coat" they had seen--and the first to bring direct news of the Enemy's defeat--as communications had been cut. As I struck the edge of town, I was told "The Rebel rear-guard had just left the Diamond." So I ventured out 2nd Street and ventured to strike Main near where Darling and Pussy lodged--and behold They were at the door--had been watching the Reb Rear leaving town--and Oh! The surprise and delight thus to meet after the awful battle they had been listening to for passing days--My horse was very soon stabled. My Cavalry outfit covered with hay--and myself in my citazens clothes--So should any final "rear" come along, I would not be discovered--To attempt to describe my joy and feelings at meeting and greeting my dear little family must prove a failure--We spent the P.M and evening very sweetly and pleasantly, but only we had a few too many inquiring callers.