Today in History:

713 Series I Volume XXIV-I Serial 36 - Vicksburg Part I


stant fire for about an hour, when the enemy retreated from the field in confusion, and soon afterward, by your order, I moved a short distance to the left and took my position in the brigade, which was formed in double lines. After resting here a short time, the brigade was ordered forward upon the main road, arriving at a point near Baker's Creek. About 3 1/2 miles from Edwards Station we bivouacked for the night.

SIEGE OF Vicksburg.

I arrived in the vicinity of the enemy's works at 8 o'clock on the morning of May 19, and was at once ordered to take position in an open field on the left of the main Vicksburg road. As soon as we had gotten this position, we were ordered forward across the field through a deep ravine, and to the top of a ridge upon the opposite side, here striking the main road again, which at this point had made a sharp turn to the left. Here we were halted, and we remained in line till 2 p. m., when, by your order, I moved forward over an open field, and to the edge of a canebrake, halting a moment at this place to enable other regiments to take their positions; then forward across another field and through a deep ravine to the brow of a timbered ridge, distant from the main road about one-quarter of a mile; then to the right along this ridge, descending into a deep ravine, over this ravine and to the top of an abrupt hill, into the edge of another field. We moved over this field to the right, and were halted in some timber on a ridge in front of one of the enemy's forts, about 300 yards distant, and one-half mile from the main road at the point we occupied in the forenoon. While crossing over the last field, we were under a severe fire from the enemy's batteries. We remained at this place till the afternoon of the 20th, when, by your order, we moved to the left, passing along under the brow of a ridge which ran nearly parallel to the enemy's works, arriving upon the main road running to the city, and near the white house. We remained here until 10 o'clock on the morning of the 22nd, when we received your order to move forward, joining in a charge upon the enemy's works, which lay upon the Vicksburg road and about 300 yards from us, my regiment being ordered to move forward by the right flank on the road until within about 100 yards of the works, then file right, and more in this direction till my left was clear of the road. Filing to the right, we were obliged to pass over a ridge of ground which brought us in full view of the enemy's rifle-pits, from which a murderous fire was opened upon us, killing and wounding 11, among them the commanding officer of the right company.

Finding it impossible to get my position by this direction, I moved the regiment rapidly by the right flank a short distance, and obtained shelter from the enemy's fire in a shallow ravine, which ran parallel to the road. We moved along in this ravine till our right became again exposed to the fire from the rifle-pits, and also to a fire from a battery which was posted upon our right, when I halted the regiment and immediately informed you of our position, and soon after received your order to withdraw by company, it being extremely hazardous to return in regular order of regiment. Upon the companies coming out, they formed in line, and, as soon as the regiment was formed, I was ordered to stack arms upon the left of the road and to await further orders. About 5 p. m., by our order, I again moved down the road, and after having passed about the length of the regiment beyond where we filed to the right in the morning, was halted, and in a short time I was ordered to return to my former position upon the roadside, where I