Today in History:

79 Series I Volume XXIV-I Serial 36 - Vicksburg Part I


to have occurred at Memphis, would leave the canal without water. There would still be water in the bayou, which can be made navigable for barges throughout the summer, and commissary stores and ammunition would have to be wagoned for a few miles only, but coal for the gunboats and transports would have to be drifted down past Vicksburg. Such a fall of water woulhe line of the protection of the flood from the Tensas, which it now enjoys. If the six transports get down to-night, General Grant moves his headquarters to New Carthage to-morrow, and I go with him.


Honorable E. M. STANTON,

Secretary of War.

SMITH'S PLANTATION, near NEW CARTHAGE, April 24, 1863-3 p. m.

General Grant arrived here last night, and has now gone down with Admiral Porter to reconnoiter Grand Gulf. Admiral Porter was there on the 22nd instant, and by opening fire ascertained the position and strength of the batteries. There are four distinct works stretched along the height on the Mississippi shore, each armed with three guns, and a new work is being built in the rear, which, as Admiral Porter learned from some gentlemen whom he saw, and who had just been there, is to be mounted with one large gun. The works along the brow of the bluff are provided with rifle-pits in front, and the strongest of them, which is the SECOND in order, is connected by a covered way with those below it, and with the new one in the rear. The enemy have been zealously working and strengthening their works and to re-enforce the garrison, which Admiral Porter now estimates at 12,000. He earnestly advises against a front Perkin's plantation, where Osterhaus' DIVISION is now encamped, to a point where they can be ferried over, just below the place, or that they be embarked on the transports and barges and floated past the Grand Gulf batteries in the night. It is now probable that the former course will be adopted.

The transports which ran the Vicksburg batteries on the night of the 22nd now lie at New Carthage, with the exception of the Tigress, which was sunk. The five which escaped have mainly been repaired by zealous exertion of Admiral Porter, and will be ready for use to-morrow. The loss by their running the Vicksburg batteries is 2 men seriously and half a dozen slightly wounded. Of McClernand's corps 10,000 will be ready to move from New Carthage to-morrow. McPherson's corps is moving over from Milliken's Bend, with the exception of McArthur's DIVISION, not yet arrived from Providence. Of Sherman's corps all are under marching orders hither, Steele's DIVISION being constantly expected from Greenville. General Grant has directed that two regiments from each army corps shall remain to guard the line between here and Milliken's Bend, but if the water falls so as to leave the canal dry and to uncover the country on both sides of the road, it will require for that duty a DIVISION at least. The fall of the river, previously reported, still continues. None of the steamers or barges from Milliken's Bend have yet got through to this point, though as we came along the bayou yesterday we saw the working parties industriously employed clearing out the trees. It is now most probable that the road will be the chief avenue of transportation.