Today in History:

115 Series III Volume I- Serial 122 - Union Letters, Orders, Reports


protect the vessels carrying supplies to Washington. He could furnish but one steamer, armed with a 10 inch and two 32- pounders, with forty men, which sailed at 10 o'clock this morning. Two steamers are now loading with provisions for Washington, and will go properly armed for defense against the privateers reported off Cape Henry.

Thirty thousand rations have been sent to-day by Major Eaton to Washington, 30,000 will go to-morrow, and 30,000 each day, via Havre de Grace and Annapolis, until I receive orders to the contrary from Washington.

I have been informed by the highest authority that gun-boats have been ordered at Tyne, near Newcastle and Shields, for the U. S. rebels; the guns will probably be shipped from Sunderland, near Tyne. Those places ought to be closely watched. Will the consul at Newcastle to this? This subject is worthy the consideration of the Government.

Lieutenant-Colonel Pitman arrived here this a. m. with 500 men; sails per steamer Bienville as soon s he can obtained the necessary land transportation from Annapolis to Washington. He is particularly anxious that this information should be furnished Colonel Burnside and Governor Sprague.

I have the honor to be, with considerations of the highest respect, your obedient servant,




April 25, 1861.


Secretary of War:

SiR: In view of the large number of troops now en route for this city and the approaching warm weather, I would respectfully suggest the propriety of instituting preliminary arrangements for the preservation of the health of the troops. This can be secured by the selection of healthy locations apart from the city, so far as they do not involve military operations or defensive measures. The medical purveyor in New York has been requested to put up supplies for 75,000 men, and subsequently instructed by telegraphed to send supplies at once to this city. Supplies will be sent as certain points are indicated for the assemblage of large bodies of troops. Until the proper amount of equipage, tents, hospital tents, &c., can be furnished, which should be prompt in reference to the approaching season, suitable arrangements for hospital purposes can be procured in the city. Arrangements have already been made for the accommodation of 400 sick.

I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedient servant,


Acting Surgeon-General.


Washington, April 26, 1861.

His Excellency OLIVER P. MORTON:

DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of your letter of the 22nd [23rd] instant, forwarded by Captain R. Stevenson, and I beg to ender you the thanks of this Department for the very prompt and efficient manner in which you have responded to the requisition made upon you. The Government, I regret to say, finds itself unable to furnish at once the uniforms and