Today in History:

934 Series I Volume XXIII-II Serial 35 - Tullahoma Campaign Part II

Page 934 Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA.

arriving in time to load last night, which might have been done had she arrived at 7 o'clock yesterday evening, as appointed. I have given orders an hour ago for her to leave for Chattanooga, and presume by this time she is under way. No one hurt on our side.

I am, major, very respectfully, &c.,


Brigadier-General, Commanding.

TAYLOR'S STORE, ALA., July 28, 1863.-1 p. m.


Asst. Adjt. General, Polk's Corps, Army of Tennessee:

MAJOR: A force of the enemy's cavalry, supposed to be a regiment, appeared at Bridgeport this morning and discharged a few desultory short at our pickets on the island; then retired beyond the hill and formed line of battle. Since this last maneuver own their part I have no intelligence from them, but am of pinion that they have retired. It is, perhaps, a force sent there to capture the steamer which lay there yesterday. Finding she had gone, they will probably return or scout along up the river in search of something.

I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, Commanding.

MARTON, MISS., July 28, 1863.


Can the Army of Mississippi be spared 250,000 ponds of bacon from the Georgia depots? If so, please order.

By command of General Johnston:


Major and Assistant Adjutant-General.



July 31, 1863.

The Army of Tennessee has been very largely subsisted from the Georgia resources, under arrangements made with General Johnston last Spring. Those stores, which have been looked to from supplying the troops of the east, have become fearfully deplete, as has been shown to the Secretary of War heretofore and recently. The resources available for the Army of Mississippi are at this time more promising than those open to the armies of Virginia and Tennessee.

Prior to the fall of Vicksburg, and subsequent to the abandonment of the stores at Jackson, a statement of which is herewith sent for the Secretary's information, there was confidence of a plentiful supply. There ought to be a large quantity of cattle in Mississippi. Orders for the introduction of texas cattle have been constant, and, although interrupted, large numbers have come over. The oxen of the ruined places and the country cattle have all been destroyed, and can be made available. Na bacon can be spared. The necessities here are paramount. In addition to this application of Asst. Adjt. General A. D. Banks to the Secretary of war for 250,000 pounds, Captain JH. T. Shaaff

Page 934 Chapter XXXV. KY., MID. AND E. TENN., N. ALA., AND SW. VA.