Today in History:

83 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


intention of evacuating the city. This station was abandoned on the night of the 25th, the Sixteenth Corps withdrawing to new lines to the left and rear. From this station the officers reported by courier to the general commanding the corps any movement of the enemy's troops, and change in his works or lines, the result of our own artillery practice the movements of the enemy's wagon trains, railroad trains, &c. Each report was also made by signals through the station near department headquarters to the major-general commanding. Stations were also established by the officers of the sub-detachments with Fifteenth Corps. That in charge of the Fifteenth Army Corps party was constantly occupied during the daytime by Lieutenant Fish, who, commanding a view of the enemy's lines to the right of that of the Sixteenth Corps, reported the movement of troops in that direction, and, having a better view of the railroad, reported each night the number of trains each way; the number of cars in each train; the time of arrival or departure, and whether loaded or empty with troops or otherwise. From this station Lieutenant Fish also reported several important movements of the enemy's troops, such as columns of cavalry or infantry to right or left; the withdrawal from one position of the line, and the taking position at another; giving the number of squadrons or regiments, &c. Lieutenants Dunlap and Conard, with the sub-detachment with Seventeenth Army Corps, also established a station tot he right and rear of the occupied by the officers with the Fifteenth Corps. This station, commanding the same view nearly as that occupied by Lieutenant Fish, was soon abandoned by my orders. The officers not employed upon stations made daily reconnaissances of the enemy's lines, noting with the aid of the galss any change therein, and reporting constantly the result to the nearest commanding general and to the general commanding the corps to which they were assigned. Communication by signals, save from stations of observation, to department headquarters, and in directing the fire of batteries, was not established, the telegraph line between the different headquarters and in directing the fire of batteries, was not established, the telegraph line between the different headquarters rendering it inexpedient and unnecessary. On the 18th a dispatch was received from Major-General Sherman, stating that the telegraph line from Allatoona Mountain to the front was constantly cut, that communication could not be maintained, and directing that I furnish officers who should, in connection with signal officers of the Army of the Cumberland, establish communications by signals. In compliance with this order, received through General Howard, I directed Lieutenants Worley and Allen to establish a station on Allatoona Mountain in communication with Kenesaw Mountain, where I placed Lieutenants Stickney and Sherfy, who communicated thence to a station at Vining's Station, in charge of signal officers Army of the Cumberland, who extend the communication to the front. On the 20th Lieutenant Worley reported communication open, and it has since been maintained. Lieutenants Stickeny and Sherfy, Worley, and Allen, in addition to their duties in charge of communicating stations, have used their stations as of observation, keeping a close watch upon the surrounding country, reporting every indication of the enemy's presence in the country north of the Chattahoochee. When the army withdrew from its position in front of Atlanta the stations of observation were abandoned, and the officers marched with their respective corps, and, upon going into position near New Hope Church, on the West Point and Atlanta