Today in History:

64 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


of this army during the campaign which has just terminated in the capture of Atlanta and East Point:

The available force for engineering operations with the three divisions of the Fifteenth Army Corps and the two divisions of the Sixteenth Army Corps, which rendezvoused at Chattanooga on the 5th and 6th of may last, consisted of a pioneer corps of from 100 to 150 soldiers, and a small number of negro laborers to each division, and Lieutenant Colonel D. F. Tiedemann, [One hundred and tenth] U. S. Colored Troops, and Captain H. Klostermann, Third Missouri Volunteers, as acting chief engineer of the Left Wing, Sixteenth Army Corps, and chief engineer Fifteenth Army Corps, respectively, and Captain James R. percy, Fifty-third Ohio Volunteers, as engineer officer, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps. There were no instruments for surveying, requisitions which I had made upon my arrival in the department not having been filled. In the march of the army through Gordon's Mills, Gordgon's Springs Gap, and Ship's Gap, and Snake Creek Gap, there was nothing engaged the attention of the engineers, save looking out and repairing roads. After the army had passed through Snake Creek Gap, made a demonstration against Resaca, and fallen back to the mouth of Snake Creek Gap on the 9th, General McPherson gave orders for the position to be intrenched. Captain Hickenlooper, of General McPherson's staff, and myself, selected the line of dense, and I directed it to be executed under the supervision of Captain Klostermann and Lieutenant-Colonel Tiedemann, which was done on the 10th, night of the 10th, and the 11th. During the dark and rainy night of the 10th I assisted in posting the Sixteenth Corps behind the works which had been commenced. The army, advancing on the 12th, confronted the enemy at Resaca. On this and the two subsequent days the engineer officers, with the pioneers, were engaged in throwing up batteries and breast-works. On the 14th I was ordered to accompany the Second Division, Sixteenth Army Corps, Brigadier-General Sweeny commanding, to Lay's Ferry, to make a demonstration with a pontoon train, which it was expected would be there. I assisted Captain merrill, in charge of the pontoon train, in crossing the infantry, under considerable fire from the enemy. About 400 men were crossed and then withdrawn near night-fall, General Sweeny hearing that a rebel force was crossing, or attempting to cross, to the north bank of the Oostenaula, at Calhoun Ferry., On the morning of the 15th the division was thrown across the river on a ferry-boat, which was found there, and some pontoons of Colonel Buell's train. I had a tete-de-pont constructed, capable of holding over a brigade, and intrenchments thrown up on the north bank of the river to cover a withdrawal, should it become necessary. An assault of the enemy on this unfinished tete-de-pont in the afternoon was repulsed. There was no special work for the engineers on the march of the army through McGuire's, Adairsville, and Woodland, to Kingston.

On the 20th I indicated to Captain Klostermann the line for a tete-de-pont at Gillem's Bridge. This was constructed, under his supervision, by the pioneers of the Fifteenth Corps, on the 21st and 22d, and consisted of two batteries and 840 yards of breast-works. Wolley's Bridge was also repaired by Captain Klostermann. While the army was resting near Kingston, during the 20th, 21st, and 22d, I was engaged in reconnoitering the fords on the Oostenaula, and the road leading to the south toward Van Wert. A company of