Today in History:

61 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


guns were able to reach it. During all the operations on this line the enemy used their artillery moderately, ad the accuracy of their fire was not great. On the 25th the army commenced the movement toward Jonesborough; the artillery was employed but little on the route, excepting to assist in driving the enemy before us on the march from Fairburn to Flint River. A and H, First Illinois, were several times called upon, the army taking position between Flint River bridges and Jonesborough. The artillery was so placed as to command all regular approaches to, and sweep the front of, our line of battle and works thrown up for the batteries.

The enemy assaulted our position with considerable vigor on the 31st, and were easily repulsed. Nearly all of the guns of the Fifteenth Army Corps were engaged, and one battery from each of the other corps. The enemy came within easy range, and canister was used freely and with good results. On the 1st of September the army was actively engaged so far only as to make an active and forcible demonstration, in which the artillery played an active part. H, First Michigan, and H, First Illinois, did good service on the enemy's infantry and artillery in the advance of the Fourteenth Corps upon their position. From Jonesborough we moved to near Lovejoy's, where we used our artillery in the advance of the Fourteenth Corps upon their position. From Jonesborough we moved to near Lovejoy's, where we used our artillery considerably on the enemy's artillery, and in shelling their position. On the 8th instant we reached our present position in the neighborhood of East Point. A schedule of casualties of officers and summary of the enlisted men, also the expenditures of ammunition, are annexed hereto.

On being assigned to duty with the artillery of the army, I found the batteries all in position in the face of the enemy, and, after the wear of a hundred days of active service and campaigning, in equipments the batteries were of necessity much reduced, and considerable of the material needed the immediate action of an inspector, and in a few cases the equipments at the opening of the campaign had been incomplete. The armament was by far too varied for an army in the field, consisting of four calibers of rifled guns and three of smooth-bore. All the horses were much reduced in condition, and in several of the batteries. The uniform of the men was excellent. These defects are being remedied as rapidly as possible. There have been some complaints, in a general manner, by battery commanders of the ammunition furnished the artillery, but my attention has not at any time been called to it, when it could be examined or tested, excepting that of the 24-pounder howitzers; but these guns have been exchanged for 12-pounder howitzers, and we shall have no more difficulty with it. The armament of the artillery is reduced to two calibers of rifled and one of smooth-bore, and each battery has orders to complete the equipment of its battery in every particular. The discipline of the artillery does not appear to be strict, but the good will and personal bravery of the men could not be surpassed. The officers are brave and devoted men to their duties, and, so far as my acquaintance with them goes, they have succeeded in all they have been called upon the execute, but I think a less feeling of equality between officers and men would add to the efficiency of several of the batteries. The disposition on the part of battery commanders to expend ammunition freely appears to be general, but as it appears to have been favored by superior