Today in History:

58 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


Numbers 441.

Report of Captain Andrew Hickenlooper, Fifth Ohio Battery, Chief of Artillery, of operations July 22.

Near Atlanta, Ga., July 31, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the artillery of the Army of the Tennessee, during the action of the 22nd instant:

The attack commenced on our extreme left and near about 12 m., at which time the following batteries of the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Army Corps were in position from right to left, viz: Battery F, Second Missouri, two 3-inch guns and two 12-pounder howitzers; Fourth Ohio Battery, four light 12-pounder guns and two 12-pounder howitzers; Battery H, First Illinois, four 20-pounder Parrotts. To the front and right of large brick house on the north side of the railroad, Battery A, First Illinois, six light 12-pounders, four of which were advanced in front of the line; Battery F, First Illinois, six light 12-pounders, was about 400 yards south of the railroad, and the First Iowa Battery, four 10-pounder Parrotts, on the high hill about 800 yards south of Battery F, First Illinois. On the right of the Seventeenth Corps, and covering the right flank, was Battery D, First Illinois, four 24-pounder howitzers. Immediately on the left of this last-named battery was the Third Ohio Battery, four 20-pounder parrotts, covering one of the large forts near Atlanta. Battery H, First Michigan, of six 3-inch guns; Battery F, Second Illinois, four light 12-pounders. Battery F, Second U. S. Artillery, attached to Sixteenth Corps, was stationed on our extreme left, covering that flank. When the assault commenced in the rear, this battery was applied for and ordered to report to Major Ross, chief of artillery of the Sixteenth Army Corps, and while en route for the rear was captured while passing along the only road leading from its former position. The Fourteenth Ohio Battery and Battery H, First Missouri, were placed in position with the Sixteenth Army Corps, facing tot he left and rear. The officers and men of these batteries are entitled to great praise for their noble conduct upon this occasion. These batteries were engaged about two hours, and expended effectively 1,119 rounds of ammunition. During the engagement one section of Battery C, First Michigan, was engaged at Decatur, but, in consequence of the suddenness of the attack, lost their battery wagon and 1 transportation wagon. The enemy, after hard fighting, were driven from the field.

About an hour after the attack in the rear upon the Sixteenth Corps, the enemy made a furious assault along the entire front and left of Seventeenth Corps, capturing 1 section of Battery F, Second Illinois, with First Lieutenant W. H. Powell commanding. The entire support of this battery was captured, and a withdrawal under the circumstances was simply impossible. About this time the Third Ohio Battery was ordered to withdraw their 20-pounder Parrotts, and, with the remaining section of Company F, Second Illinois, were placed in position in the rear of the Fifteenth Corps. Battery D, First Illinois, and Battery H, First Michigan, did well, and remained upon the hill which had cost us so much, and which was the key to our entire position. During the attack upon the left and rear, Battery F, First Illinois, was faced to the left, and the First Iowa Battery