Today in History:

46 Series I Volume XXXVIII-III Serial 74 - The Atlanta Campaign Part III


a mile and a half below my position. He crossed the river, constructing a bridge, pushed a small force to the railroad, and took up a threatening position. The enemy doubtless fearing an attempt to turn his left flank in force, attacked Kilpatrick withinfantry. After stout resestane he withdrew to the western bank, and the enemy followed him up, crossing with a part of his force. As soon as I got news of this, about the middle of the afternoon, General Blair moved by me directin a division, General G. A. Smith's, to the right of General Ransom, prolonging his line and covering the wagon train. General Carlin's divsion, of the Fourteenth Army Corps, also moved to the vicinity of that flank. The enemy was, howevr, too much crippled to atttempt any further ofensive movement. The force of the enemy opposed to us, judging from the prisoners taken, wer the corps of Hardee. While these events were transpiring at Jonsborough, Major- Generals Thomas and Schofield had struck the railroad at several points intervening between me and Atlanta. The work for the next day was for me to hold where I was, while the rest of the military division concentrated upon my left, the troops on the railroad destroying it completely en route.

On the afternoon of September 1, in accordance with instructions, my command made frequent and stong demaostatins to prevent the enemy from re- enforcing against General Thomas, whilst one of his corps (Fourteenth, Major- General Davis commanding) made its remadkeble and gallant charge between Hazen's left and the railroad. May left corps, Generla Blair's, being relieved by this movement, was dispatched to Anthony's Bridge with instructions to do what he could to worry the enemy from that flank. I sent Lieutenant Hall, of the cavalry, to guide the column, believing that he knew the shortest route, but he took it by a more circitous route, and consumed all the time from 3 p. m. till dark in reaching the bidge, so that Generla Blair simply effected a crossing of the Flint River, skirmishing heavily with the enemy. That night the rebels withdrew from Jonesborough, as also the remaining garrison from Atlanta.

By the rebel General Hood's dispatch of September 3 it appears that the failure of the two corps under Hardee to dislodge the Army of the Tennessee from the positon at Jonesborough decided him to evacuate Atlanta. Early on the 2nd of September my command marched in three columns, on the right of the railroad, in pursuit of the enemy. We came upon him in force near Lovejoy's Statin, where he had taken up a strong position, the approaches to which were most difficult. As soon as possible my command was deployed- Ffiteenth Corps on the left, Seventeenth on the right, adnd Sixteenth substantially in reserve. By the skirmish line of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Corps the enemy was driven from a height on his left of great importance to the security of his positon. The main lines wer moved forward to close proximity to the rebel works already nearly completed. This was efeected by 4 p. m., when I was instructed to stand on the defensive for the present. Ater remainding at this place until the evening of September 5, in accordance with Secial Field Orders, Numbers 64, headquartes Military Division of the Mississppi, the army wihdrew by easy marches to East Point, arriving at that place on the 8th, where it is now in position- Fifteenth Corps in the center, Sixteenth on the right, and Seventeenth on the left.