Today in History:

54 Series I Volume LI-II Serial 108 - Supplements Part II

Page 54 MD., E. N. C., PA., VA., eXCEPT S. W., & W. VA. Chapter LXIII.

RICHMOND, April 30, 1861.

[Honorable L. P. WALKER:]

Alexandria, April 30.- National Intelligencer, 29th contains proclamation blockade ports of Virginia and North Carolina. Lincoln said to a military company on 27th, "If the alternative is presented whether the union is to be broken in fragments and the liberties of the people lost, or blood be shed, you will probably make the choice with which I shall not be dissatisfied." Deputations of New York merchants visited Lincoln. One urged invasion into seceded States, the other urgeds ettlement, and said silver plate was being shipped to Europe in large quantities and grass would soon grow in streets. New York Seventy- fiorst Regiment, 1,000 men, arrived inWashington 27th. Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, 800 men, 28th. Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, 1,300 men, six pieces artillery, and 600 Pennsylvania and Ohio troops. Sixty- ninth New York (Irish regiment) expected fromAnnapolis 28th. A Southerner, from W ahington this morning, says there are 16,000 to 20,000 troops there.

No Virginia troops now between Alexandria and Long Bridge, which is Lee's policy to avoid provoking an attack. Several secessionists have been shot in Washington. Unless encouraged and supported, Maryland is poweless. South Carolina regiment still here. Synopsis President's messafe gives satisfaction to conservatives here. His coming is universal topic wished for by entire community. Reas Camden for Cmapbell, commissioner to Congress. Examiner has severe editorial this morning on selection. Mason voted down Jenkins. Bocock and Seddon nomintaed. Hunter chosen without opposition. The other commissioners were submissionists.



AN ORDINANCE concerning the distribution of arms.

Be it ordained, That Major- General Lee be, and he is hereby, empowered to issue arms to such parties as, in his discretion, t he public defense requires, and as the condition of the State will in his judgment allow, under such terms and restrictions as he may deem proper for the preservation and return of the arms when required.

Adopted by the convention of Virginia April 30, 1861.


Secretary of Conveniton.


TUESDAY, April 30, 1861.*

Present, judge John J. Allen, presidnet, and Colonel Francis H. Smith and Captain M. F. Maury.

The following ordinance of the convention, passed on yesteday, was orderedt o be enteered int ehjournal of the council:

Be it ordained, That the Advisory Council oft h4 Governor of this COmmonwealth be, and the same is hereby, increased to five, and that the Lieutenant-Governor shall be ex officio one of the five members.

Present, R. L. Montague, Lieutenant- Governor.

In accordance with the provision of the foregoing ordinance the Honorable Robert L. Montague, Lieutenant- Governor, appeared in council and requested the entry of his attendence as a member of the e same, which the council hereby order.

Absent, li3utenant-Governor Montague.


*From proceedings of the Adisory COuncil of the State of Virginia.


Page 54 MD., E. N. C., PA., VA., eXCEPT S. W., & W. VA. Chapter LXIII.