Today in History:

786 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 786 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

force of about 16,000 men were moving in our direction through Front Royal, I think. At all events, it was either down the valley or through the gap in which Front Royal is situated.

Question. Do you know what reply was made to that dispatch?

Answer. No, sir; I do not recollect any specific reply.

Question. Do you recollect what our estimate was that we could defend that work against?

Answer. From our conversation and that of others, I know you were very willing to try it on 12,000 or 15,000 men.

Question. Do you think we could have held that position, if we had been ordered to do so, against a force of from 15,000 to 20,000 men and we would ultimately have had to give in, I think.

Question. Will you state whether the evacuation of that post, in your judgment, was conducted in an orderly manner or with precipitancy, and whether all the means were taken that could be taken; whether the orders that were issued from headquarters contemplated constantly, and kept always in view, the point of saving every dollar's worth of public property that the means of transportation that could be got could save? Do you know of your own knowledge that such were the orders?

Answer. I do. So far as the evacuation was concerned, I considered it in good order. I arranged the column myself, and the order of march, and started them, and I also know that every means was taken to procure transportation that was possible.


Question. You have no knowledge of the amount of public property destroyed there?

Answer. I have not. I left before all the stores were taken away from the fort that were taken.

By General WHITE:

Question. Do you know, or did you hear the commissary say, that a large portion of the subsistence stores was condemned, until for use?

Answer. Yes, sir; I have heard him say so. I know there was a large quantity of condemned bacon there, and also some hard bread, I think, unfit for use.

Colonel F. G. D'UTASSY, called by General White, and sworn and examined as follows:

By General WHITE:

Question. What is your position in the United States service?

Answer. I am colonel of the Thirty-ninth Regiment New York State Volunteers.

Question. Were you at Winchester at the time of the evacuation of that post?

Answer. Yes, sir; I belonged to General White's brigade, and commanded, at that time, Fort Garibaldi.

Question. How long have you been in military service, in other parts of the world as well as in America-how long altogether?

Answer. Since 1843.

Question. Twenty years, nearly?

Answer. Yes, sir.

Question. I will thank you to state whether the evacuation of that

Page 786 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.