Today in History:

784 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 784 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

Question. Were you at Winchester at the time of the evacuation of that post?

Answer. Yes, sir; I was in command at that time.

Question. The colonel being in command of a brigade?

Answer. No, sir; the colonel was sick at that time.

Question. Will you, without going into details, just state generally whether that evacuation, in your judgement, was conducted systematically and orderly, and proper means used to get away all the public property that could be gotten away, so far so you have knowledge of it?

Answer. I was a member of a court-martial at that time. I received orders about 3 or 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon to go immediately to General White. General White gave me his verbal order that "We are going to leave to-night at 11 o'clock, by order; therefore make orders so that everything of property may be carried away. In case you have not enough means of transportation, then send over to me, and I will order you some wagons or teams for transportation to take down to the depot." I did so. At 6 o'clock I received my marching orders. I took everything away, because I had enough transportation, except two or three very bad tents-ragged tents. Everything belonging to my regiment was carried away and brought to Harper's Ferry.

Question. You have been in service in this country and in Europe how long?

Answer. In this country eighteen months.

Question. How long altogether?

Answer. I am fifteen or sixteen years in service now.

Question. As a soldier, what do you think, generally, of the manner in which that evacuation was conducted, orderly or disorderly?

Answer. It was with very good system, as I know and as I saw. Everything was systematically done; everything. It was in good order; we marched in very good order. When we evacuated the place we did it systematically.


Question. Have you any knowledge of the amount of public property destroyed there?

Answer. No, sir; I have not. I know nothing except the four pivot guns that remained there.

Question. Were any guns thrown into the well?

Answer. Those four pivot guns were destroyed before we left.

Question. How destroyed?

Answer. Dismounted and thrown down.

Question. Were the trunnions broken off, or were they thrown into the well so?

Answer. I do not know that exactly. I know they were destroyed, but in what manner I cannot tell.

By General WHITE:

Question. Was all the other artillery there brought away?

Answer. Yes, sir; that I know of.

Captain HENRY CURTIS, Jr., called by General White, and sworn and examined as follows:

By General WHITE:

Question. Will you state your position in the service?

Answer. Assistant adjutant-general of volunteers.

Page 784 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.