Today in History:

736 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 736 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

time, unlimbered his battery and soon dispersed that portion in the woods. Major Patrick was attacked later, but he repulsed the enemy with considerable loss, though not without loss to us, for the gallant Major, himself setting the example to his men, was mortally wounded. He lived long enough to witness the triumph of our arms, and expired thus in the arms of victory. The sacrifice was noble, but the loss to us irreparable.

I met with the head of General Longstreet's column between Hay Market and Gainesville, and there communicated to the commanding General Jackson's position and the enemy's. I then passed the cavalry through the column, so as to place it on Longstreet's right flank, and advanced directly toward Manassas, while the column kept directly down the pike to join General Jackson's right. I selected a fine position for a battery on the right, and one having been sent to me, I fired a few shots at the enemy's supposed position, which induced him to shift his position. General Robertson, who with his command was sent to reconnoiter farther down the road toward Manassas, reported the enemy in his front. Upon repairing to that front I found that Rosser's regiment was engaged with the enemy to the left of the road and Robertson's vedettes had found the enemy approaching from the direction of Bristoe Station toward Sudley. The prolongation of his line of march would have passed through my position, which was a very fine one for artillery as well as observation, and struck Longstreet in flank. I waited his approach long enough to ascertain that there was at least an army corps, at the same time keeping detachments of cavalry dragging brush down the road from the direction of Gainesville, so as to deceive the enemy - a ruse which Porter's report shows was successful - and notified the commanding general, then opposite me on the turnpike, that Longstreet's flank and rear were seriously threatened, and of the importance to us of the ridge I then held. Immediately upon receipt of that intelligence Jenkins', Kemper's, and D. R. Jones' brigades and several pieces of artillery were ordered to me by General Longstreet, and, being placed in position fronting Bristoe, awaited the enemy's advance. After exchanging a few shots with rifle pieces this corps withdrew toward Manassas, leaving artillery and supports to hold the position until night.

Brigadier General Fitz. Lee returned to the vicinity of Sudley after a very successful expedition, of which his official reports has not been received, and was instructed to co-operate with Jackson's left. Late in the afternoon the artillery on this commanding ridge was to an important degree auxiliary to the attack upon the enemy, and Jenkins' brigade repulsed the enemy in handsome style at one volley as they advanced across a corn field. Thus the day ended, our lines having considerably advanced.

Captain Pelham's battery was still with the left wing. (See his interesting report of its action on the 28th and 29th, herewith.)

Next morning (30th) it became evident that the enemy had materially retired his left wing. My cavalry reconnoitered to the front, gaining at the next house an important point of observation. A large walnut tree being used as an observatory, the enemy was discovered gradually massing his troops in three lines opposite Jackson, and his left wing seemed to have entirely shifted. The commanding general was informed of these changes. Captain [J. A.] Throckmorton, Sixth Virginia Cavalry, commanding sharpshooters, took position along a stone fence and stoutly defended our observation against the attacks of the enemy's dismounted cavalry.

Page 736 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.