Today in History:

87 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I


Answer. I never knew of General McDowell's headquarters being in any other place than the Lacy house.

Question by General McDOWELL. Did you frequently see General McDowell during those eleven days besides the times you state you had interviews with him?

Answer. I don't know that I did, sir. I might have seen him as he was riding through the fields.

Question by General McDOWELL. How do you know that Little went up to and through the divisions as they came up, as you have stated?

Answer. I don't know that he went through all of them as they came up, but saw him in several cases soon after divisions came up riding in the lines and through them.

Question by General McDOWELL. What else did you manufacture for the rebel army besides bedsteads.

Answer. Hospital accouterments, tables, and I think I made some tent poles.

Question by General McDOWELL. How a person was Little and what was his general appearance?

Answer. I suppose Little must be thirty-five years old; small man; a man, I suppose, weighing 120 or 130 pounds; well dressed, and smart looking man, and is a smart man; lawyer by profession.

Question by General McDOWELL. Did you speak to General King more than once about Little?

Answer. I don't think I did. After he referred me to General McDowell I had no occasion to.

Question by General McDOWELL. Was there complaint of Union men being taken from Fredericksburg and property being carried off after the Union Army reached Falmouth and before it crossed to Fredericksburg?

Answer. Yes, sir; there was. A large portion of the machinery of a woolen mill was carried out of Fredericksburg after the arrival of the Federal Army; also rice, corn, bacon, and other stores.

Question by General McDOWELL. Who was said to be to blame for this?

Answer. Well, it was charged on the Federal officers in command there.

Question by General McDOWELL. What Federal officers?

Answer. I don't know any names of any particular persons. The charge was general.

Question by General McDOWELL. Was General McDowell ever blamed for this?

Answer. I don't think that he was, sir; I don't know that General McDowell's headquarters were on the Rappahannock at the time this was done.

Question by General McDOWELL. Have you ever seen General McDowell under the influence of intoxicating liqueurs?

Answer. I never have, sir.

Question by General McDOWELL. Do you know from others in the vicinity of Fredericksburg that he has been so seen?

Answer. No, sir; I never heard such a charge made against General McDowell till after I went North, about the 1st of June. The question was asked me frequently, almost daily, with reference to his being drunk while I was traveling through the North. General McDowell, I will say, was very much sunburned-his complexion-and looked as if he had been out in the weather a good deal. I was surprised when such a question was put to me. I found it common report there.