Today in History:

83 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I


inform General McDowell what you had said to General King and what he had said to you? And, if you answer that you did, then narrate what took place between you and General King and you and General McDowell.

Answer. At the time I mentioned of seeing Mr. Little, in the first place my attention was called to him and two other gentleman by a Mr. De Johns, whose tent I sat in reading a newspaper. He came in and asked me to get up and look out of the tent to see if I knew who they were. I done so, and told him that I knew them, and gave him the names of each, and told him that this Mr. Little was an adjutant in the rebel army. I afterward saw General King; told him who the man was and his position. He referred me to General McDowell. I think the same evening or the next day saw General McDowell, and told him that this man Little was in his liner and beyond doubt a spy for the rebels. I don't think I told General McDowell of the conversation I had with General King or that I was referred by General King. I don't think I did. General McDowell replied that he had no doubt that there would be spies within his lines sand were there every day. It was always the case with large armies that they had spies in each other's lines; that he had sometimes pais in their lines. I don't think I told General McDowell at this interview that Little was an officer in the rebel service, but told him that faction the second interview. This second interview was, I think, the next day after. Seeing Little in the lines, and having learned that morning, from parties from Fredericksburg who I knew to be Union men, that Little was met on returning back to Fredericksburg in the afternoon by Mayor Slaughter, Thomas Barton, Marye, and others, citizens of Fredeircksburg that on his arrival they escorted him to the mayor's office one day and another day to Barton's office, and after being in with closed doors some fifteen minutes or a half hour they came out with packages of letters, and dispatched, by a man in each case, a package of letters out of Fredericksburg toward General Field's headquarters, which was about 6 miles in rear of Fredericksburg, as near as I learned. On that day I called on General McDowell and told him the above facts. I then told General McDowell, after informing him of the above facts, "this man Little was an adjutant in the rebel army." General McDowell turned so as to face me, and, in a stern voice, said, "Mr. Clarke, can you swear that man Little ever held a commission in the rebel army?" I replied that I, never having seen his commission, would not, but that I had seen notice of his appointment in the Richmond papers, and seen him riding the streets, as I have stated before, in the character of adjutant. General McDowell replied that we could hardly convict him of being a spy under such proof.

The night of this day, about sunset, there were some six or eight other men, that were in the Federal lines under the same circumstances as myself, came to see me in regard to this man Little, to know if I had mentioned the fact of his being in the line to any of the commanding officers. I told them I had, but the trouble was to prove that he ever held a commission in the rebel army. Mr. George Morrison and two Armstrongs said that everybody knew that; that he was adjutant of the regiment that they belonged to. Mr. George Morrison them handed me a paper from his pocket, which was given him by this Mr. Little, where he signed his name as adjutant of the Fourteenth Virginia Regiment. It was a written paper, and which I knew to be in the handwriting of Mr. William A. Little. I took that paper the next day-saw Mr. Little again in the lines-called to General McDowell's headquarters; was told by the clerk, a young man in his office, that he had rode up to General King's headquarters. General McDowell arrived. I handed him their paper that Morrison handed me, telling him at the same time the question he put to me the day before, which I was unable to reply to, was there solved, and that I would swear that was Little's handwriting, and that Little was that day in the lines again. General McDowell took the paper and read it; handed i back to me, and remarked if Little told nothing but he truth it would do him no harm, and that if he lied it would do the rebels no good.

Question by the COURT. How was Little dressed when you saw him on these various occasions within the Federal lines? What did he do; where did he go?

Answer. He was dressed in citizen's dress and was always on horseback; he went in almost all directions, as a new divisions, as a new division or any move seemed to be taking place or any change. He seemed to be posted up and went through. If a new division came in, when he came up he would turn to the right or left and go to it or go through it

Question by the COURT. Had he any other business in the Federal lines, except as you have stated, that you have any knowledge of?

Answer. This man Little was one of the committee who were appointed by the tour