Today in History:

975 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah


II. Major-General McLaws' division, under command of Brigadier-General Baker, and Colonel E. C. Anderson's brigade, the latter taking precedence, will proceed to Charleston and report to Major-General Ransom for duty on James Island.

III. Major-General Wright's division and Brigadier-General Chesnut's command-the latter consisting of South Carolina reserves and the Second, Third, and Fourth South Carolina Militia-will proceed to the Fourth Military Sub-District of South Carolina. Major-General Wright will have command and of the district, and will station a reserve force of 500 men at Green Pond, and a like number at Adams' Run Station. Brigadier General B. H. Robertson will report to Major-General Wright, to give him such assistance in the disposition of troops as his knowledge of the country will enable him to do, and will afterward be assigned to duty as circumstances may require.

IV. Major-General McLaws, as soon as his division, as heretofore directed, shall move from Hardeeville, will proceed to Pocotaligo and relieve Major General S. Jones, and take immediate command of the forces on the line of the Combahee.

V. Major General S. Jones, upon being relieved by Major-General McLaws, will proceed to Charleston, assume command of his district, and enter upon the duties designated in--- from these headquarters.

VI. Major-General Wheeler's cavalry corps (that part of it east of the Savannah River, and the remainder should it come up) will guard the crossing of the Savannah and New Rivers and the landing east of Screven's Causeway until forced by the enemy to retire. General Wheeler will then guard and defend the country between the Savannah River and the defensive line of the Combahee and the right flank of that line, resting at or near Barnwell Court-House.

VII. Cols. G. P. Harrison and A. C. Edwards will report to Major-General McLaws for assignment to brigades, which will be stationed on the left bank of the Combahee, to guard the crossing of that river, to Barnwell Court-House.

VIII. The Seventh Georgia Cavalry (dismounted), Colonel E. C. Anderson commanding, is assigned to Young's brigade. The Third South Carolina Cavalry and Kirk's squadron will cover the left (or coast) flank of the retiring troops; and after crossing the Combahee Captains Seabrook's and Peeples' companies Third South Carolina Calvary, under command of Major John Jenkins, will take post on John's Island, and Kirk's squadron will proceed, via Charleston, to Christ Church Parish and take post near and northeast of Mount Pleasant.

IX. The batteries of light artillery will report as follows: Brooks' Barnwell's, and Wagener's batteries to Major-General McLaws, at Hardeeville; Abell's battery for duty at Honey Hill, and Anderson's battery to commanding officer at Coosawhatchie; Daniell's, Hanleiter's, Guerard's, and Maxwell's batteries will report, at Pocotaligo, to Colonel A. J. Gonzales, chief of artillery, who will, with the approval of the lieutenant-General commanding, assign them to position the most appropriate for the defense of the Fourth Military Sub-District and the line of the Combahee, from Salkehatchie bridge to the coast.

X. Brigadier-General Taliaferro will proceed to James Island, resume command of Sub-District Numbers 3, and will be prepared to put in position the troops of McLaws' division and Anderson's brigade, destined for that island.

XI. As the cavalry retires before the enemy it will drive off all cattle, sheep, and hogs not necessary for its consumption, and impress and send to Charleston, to be turned over to engineer department, all