Today in History:

968 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 968 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA.

Savannah, December 19, 1864.

Major-General McLAWS,

Commanding Division:

GENERAL: Lieutenant-General Hardee directs me to say that the pontoon is completed, and he desires that you will see that your wagons containing cooking utensils and baggage are sent over and on to Hardeeville at daylight in the morning.

Respectfully, General, your obedient servant,


Assistant Adjutant-General.


December 19, 1864.

Should orders be issued to move to the rear, commanders of batteries are directed to cut the spokes of the cannot carriages, destroy all the implements, such as sponges, reamers, &c., and sink all handing wires, friction primes, thumb-stall, &c.

In doing this no noise must be made that will attack the attention of the enemy or give notice of the movements of our troops.

By order of Brigadier-General Mercer:


Captain and Chief of Artillery.

(Commandants Batteries Aminett, Barnes, Simpkins, Wheeler, Barnwell, Elliott, Acee, Richardson, and Lieutenant W. Barnwell, commanding Battery Numbers 4.)

Savannah, GA., December [19], 1864.

Major-General WHEELER,

Commanding Cavalry Corps:

GENERAL: Lieutenant-General Hardee has received your dispatch in reference to force at Izard's, and asking for a battery of light artillery. He will send you one, and, if possible, two; they can hardly reach you before night, however, as they have to be brought from distant localities. He says oppose the enemy with your utmost ability, and call upon Major-General Jones for re-enforcements if you need them.

Very respectfully,

T. B. ROY,

Assistant Adjutant-General.

SAVANNAH, GA., December 19, 1864-6. 15 p. m.

General WHEELER,

Commanding Cavalry:

GENERAL: The road to Hardeeville must be kept open at all hazards; it is my only line of retreat. I have sent you about 200 men from Ferguson's brigade and six pieces of artillery. I am about sending in

Page 968 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA.