Today in History:

946 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 946 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

500 militia are at depot awaiting a locomotive to move; General Hardee has ordered them to Savannah. Have telegraphed to know if they can be sent to you.



GRAHAMVILLE, December 9, 1864-5. 20 p. m.

Major General S. JONES:

Colonel Griffin with 500 militia has just started for Coosawhatchie. General Young will follow with his command.



CHARLESTON, December 10, 1864.

(Received 11. 30 11th.)

General S. COOPER:

Telegraphic and railroad communication interrupted beyond Savannah River; supposed by enemy's forces.



SISTER'S FERRY, December 10, 1864-11 a. m.

Lieutenant M. G. HUDSON,


LIEUTENANT: Your dispatch of this morning has been received. Our forces are moving down the river, as the general has directed, leaving a picket at each of the ferries as we pass them. General Anderson's men have been sent lower down this morning. As the rest of the stragglers and detachments from the General's corps are collected, we will send them on to a point lower down and keep opposite to you. Most of the forage below this point has been already consumed, but above there is an abundance. Our forces number about 500 men now. To-morrow we will no doubt have more, as we have heard that there are about 500 of your command at Brown's Ferry, and have sent for them. Colonel Colcock is absent just at this time from headquarters. When he returns will reply more fully.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



The couriers to General Hardee went through from Grahamville, S. C., and would not report to this point, therefore cannot say if they have returned; but as communication was not interrupted up to 10 o'clock yesterday, presume they have.

CIRCULAR.] IN THE FIELD, December 10, 1864.

Soldiers! While you have been engaged gallantly fighting the enemy a band of thieves and stragglers have spread over the country robbing and insulting the wives and children of your brother soldiers who are

Page 946 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.