Today in History:

103 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah


the cemetery from the 13th to 22nd [21st], when it was discovered that the enemy had evacuated the night before, and I marched in with the balance of the division to the works just outside the city of Savannah.

The Twenty-seventh Missouri Infantry has been on detached service from 14th of December, guarding the rice mill of Doctor Cheves', on the Ogeechee, and in garrisoning Forts Rosedew and Beaulieu, on Wassaw Sound; the Seventy-sixth Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry are on duty as provost-guard in the city; the Twenty-ninth Missouri Volunteer Infantry, being yet on duty at corps headquarters, is encamped in the city; the Twelfth Indiana, consolidated battalion Thirty-first and Thirty-second Missouri, and Twenty-sixth Iowa, are encamped on the left of the Ogeechee road, and inside of the in near works.

Our march has been a perfect success.

The loss from my brigade has been 1 man captured and 2 slightly wounded.

We have captured a great number of mules and horses, which have all been either put into teams in place of others which were jaded, taken up, or turned over to provost-marshal or division quartermaster. The men are in much better health than when we started, and our animals have improved at least 25 per cent.

All of which I respectfully submit.


Colonel, commanding Brigade.

[Captain FRED. H. WILSON,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.]

No. 15. Report of Colonel Thomas Curly, Twenty-seventh Missouri Infantry, of operations May 1 - December 21. HDQRS. TWENTY-SEVENTH MISSOURI VOL. INFANTRY, Near Savannah, Ga., December 21, 1864.

GENERAL: I have the honor to give you a brief history of this regiment since my last report:

On the 1st day of May, 1864, we left Paint Rock Bridge, Ala., and commenced the great and well-known camping of Major-General Sherman through Northern Georgia, which lasted four months. The Twenty-seventh Missouri has taken an active part, and has had seven different engagements in the series of great battles that have taken place during the whole campaign, as well as the siege of Atlanta, which lasted one month; in all of which our losses were 1 commissioned office killed and 1 wounded, and 15 enlisted men killed and 47 wounded. I am proud to say that every officer and soldier has done his duty faithfully and with credit to the great State to which he belongs.

On the 14th [15th] day of November, 1864, we left Atlanta for the Gulf coast, through Southern Georgia, for the purpose of the capture of Savannah. Nothing of any great interest transpired, except occasional skirmishing with the enemy, along our triumphant march to the sea-coast, where we opened communication with the fleet of Admiral Dahlgren on the 13th day of December, 1864. The regiment and one section of the First Illinois Artillery, the latter under the command of Captain De Gress, were the first to open fire upon Fort McAllister, which is situated on the Ogeechee River four miles from its mouth.