Today in History:

53 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah


Sixty-sixth Ohio, Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania, Twenty-ninth and Fifth Ohio, and One hundred and forty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers. Pickets were taken from the Sixty-sixth Ohio, which were posted along the edge of the wood bordering a field distant from the enemy's skirmishers about 500 yards.

December 12. -Lay in the same position; considerable shelling from the enemy; no injuries received from them; very little firing along the lines.

December 21. -Remained in the same position from the 11th until about 3 a. m. of the 21st, when this brigade received orders to follow the Third Brigade in the direction of Savannah, which brigade was pressing the enemy's pickets. We entered the city of Savannah at sunrise. Two regiments-the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania and Twenty-ninth Ohio Volunteers-were detached to take possession of Fort Jackson and other fortifications below the city, on the Savannah River. The several regiments of the brigade were then put in camp in several squares or parks, where they remain at the present time [December 31].

Third Brigade, Second Division.

[November.]-This brigade lay in camp at Atlanta, Ga., until the 15th.

November 15. -Started on this campaign; marched to Milledgeville via Decatur, Stone Mountain, Madison, Blue Spring, and Oconee River.

November 22. -Reached Milledgeville.

November 24. -Left Milledgeville and marched, via Buffalo Creek and Tennille Station, to Davisborough.

November 27. -Arrived at Davisborough, where we were engaged in destroying the railroad one day; had a skirmish with some of Wheeler's cavalry; marched, via Spiers Station, to Louisville.

December 1. -The brigade broke camp near Louisville, Ga., on the Ogeechee River; marched to Savannah via Millen, Springfield, and Monteith.

December 10. -Arrived within five miles of the city, meeting the enemy.

December 11. -After a brisk skirmish in the morning gained a very good position near the enemy's lines. Remained there until the morning of the 21st.

December 21. -At 2 a. m., finding the enemy had evacuated, the brigade moved directly into the city, since which time it has been doing provost duty. While confronting the enemy near the city the brigade was subject to a severe fire both from artillery and musketry.

Third Division.

November 1 to 14. -The division formed a portion of the garrison of Atlanta, nothing of interest transpiring.

November 15. -Marched from Atlanta via Stone Mountain, Rockbridge, Madison, Eatonton, Milledgeville, Sandersville, Davisborough, and Louisville.

November 30. -Encamped on Big Creek, Jefferson County, Ga. ; no skirmishing; lived on the country; forage and supplies abundant.

First Brigade, Third Division.

December 1. -This brigade, part of Major-General Sherman's Army of Georgia, marched from Louisville, Ga., easterly; crossed the railroad to Augusta four miles north of Millen; marched thence southeasterly through Springfield.