Today in History:

71 Series I Volume XLII-II Serial 88 - Richmond-Fort Fisher Part II


enemy's line is supported by bodies of troops and the attack assumes the aspect of a general assault, and they will be re-enforced for this purpose, if necessary, and unless otherwise ordered will be under the direction of the officer of the day, who will be held responsible for the faithful execution of the foregoing paragraph of this order.

II. If the attack is in force and by superior numbers they will gradually retire, fighting as skirmishers, taking advantage of the ground and trees, thus keeping the enemy at bay until proper disposition can be made of the troops in camp.

III. If they should be forced back of the slashing on the right it will be sent on fire by orders from these headquarters, but not until all hope has passed of our ability to hold it.

IV. In case the pickets should retire within the entranced line they will, unless otherwise ordered, report to their respective regiments, to be disposed of by their commanding officers.

V. All dismounted troops in the command, and who are in camp and not otherwise disposed of, will, unless otherwise ordered, be formed under arms and take positions in the entrenchments nearest their respective camps, covering as much of the line as possible by deployment in the breast-works, and await further orders.

VI. The detachment of First New York Mounted Rifles will be prepared to mount and will await orders from these headquarters.

VII. The artillery will commence firing as soon as any bodies of the enemy's troops appear in view when they can fire without endangering the safety of our skirmishers.

VIII. The foregoing will govern the action of commanders in case of an attack unless otherwise ordered.

By order of Brigadier General R. S. Foster:


Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp.

August 6, 1864-9 a. m.

General MEADE:

The engineer officer reports that the explosion last night must have been occasioned by a mistake of the enemy thinking we were mining from hearing our picks in a sap near the Crater. The Crater is not in a place likely to be occupied by them. Colonel Stedman died this morning about 7.30.

E. O. C. ORD,


August 6, 1864.

Colonel SHAFFER,

Chief of Staff:

Engineer officer reports, after a reconnaissance, that the enemy must have blown up a counter mine, believing we had a mine upon them from our picking in a sap nearly over them. The Crater is not in a place likely to be occupied by them. Colonel Stedman died fifteen minutes ago.

