Today in History:

937 Series II Volume VIII- Serial 121 - Prisoners of War


witnesses for examination. The death of one of my children prevented my reaching here last week on the witnesses were unwilling to appear without me.

Your obedient servant,


After the taking of the depositions of Campbell and Snevel Conover went to New York, whence he returned to Washington, bringing with him a man calling himself Farnum B. Wright, who on the 23rd of November, 1865, also gave his deposition before the Bureau of Military Justice. The witness John McGill, heretofore referred to, having stated in his deposition that a man named Carter was present with him at the interview he had with Clement C. Clay and Captain Kennedy, in Canada, in relation to the assassination of the President and certain other distinguished officials of the United States Government I engaged Conover to proceed to Canada for the purpose of finding and bringing to Washington this man Carter with a view of taking his deposition, and he left Washington under a promisxe that he would do so. Farnum B. Wright having alleged tome that a man named Patten--whom he had averred in his deposition to have been present with him and others at an interview with Jefferson Davis when the abduction, and if necessary the assassination, of the President were discussed and determined upon--resided in Saint Louis, and that he believed he could find him and secure his attendance as a witness, I employed him as an agent of the Government to go to Saint Louis for that purpose. This I did after a conversation with him in Washington, and after receiving from him the following note:

NEW YORK, December 7.

General HOLT:

DEAR SIR: I arrived in New York this morning. I overhauled my papers; could not find the paper that contained the number of the house Mr. Patten lives in, but I am quite sure I can find him as I know the street. If you want me to go after him I am at your service. Send me what funds you think I will require and I will start immediately. Direct your letter to the Westchester House, corner Bowery and Broome street, to be left at the office till called for.

P. S.--If you don't require my services to go to Saint Louis please send some money without fail, and oblige


Among the persons named as present at the interview which Farnum b. Wright, Patten, and others were said to have had with Davis was a man called Lamar. This person, William Campbell, whose deposition has been referred to, stated he knew that he was in Canada and that he believed he could prevail on him to come to the United States and give his testimony and he offered to go to Canada for that purpose. I accordingly engaged him. He sent out, and after the lapse of some time wrote me from Saint Albans the following letters:

SAINT ALBANS, November 15, 1865.

Brigadier-General HOLT, Judge-Advocate-General:

DEAR SIR: I hope you will excuse my long silence but I thought best not to write until I had something to write about. I have received no answer to either my letter or telegraph, but I saw a friend of Lamar's in Saint Albans last night who tells me that he (Lamar) was going to leave Canada soon; he could not tell how soon. He said he had left his old stopping place, and he thinks he is poor; and I think that accounts for my not getting an answer to my letter or dispatch. I fear that he has not received them. I propose to go (or send some one) to Canada to hunt him up. If this meets your approbation you will please telegraph me at once. I telegraphed to you this morning for the necessary funds to carry out my ideas, which I hope will prove satisfactory to you.

I shall anxiously await your answer, and hoping it will meet my ideas,

I remain, your most obedient servant,


Weldon House, Saint Albans, Vt.