Today in History:

92 Series II Volume I- Serial 114 - Prisoners of War


and heard from him all the particulars about the surrender. The officers have been granted paroles limiting them to the seceding States, but Colonel Bromford, Lieutenant Bliss, Van Dorn, Jones and myself have thought it best to remain here; the balance have gone to Richmond. I wish you would write me and let me know what our chances are for an exchange, what is the effect of the parole on those officers who have left, &c. The men have been removed from our control and are in camp a few miles from town; but few have left, only four out of E Company. I was very sorry to hear of our defeat at Manassas. It is rumored that the rangers at Fort Bliss have whipped the troops at Filmore, killing some and making the balance prisoners. I sincerely hope that is not the case; should it be true I shall feel as if we were allowing those who have recently left the Army to take all the laurels which formerly belonged to it. Business is very dull here, many merchants having closed their stores. The Star and Stripes have many friends in this place yet. I wish you would write me and advise me as to the better course to purpose. I suppose you have been promoted are this.

Yours, truly,


P. S. - The report of the surrender of Major Lynde at Fort Fillmore is confirmed and from the accounts received here it was a most disgraceful affair. Baylor has gone to intercept the four companies from Buchanan, and I fear that they will be circumstanced that they will be obliged to surrender also, but I pray to God, for the sake of the reputation of the Army, that they may not.


SAN ANTONIO, TEX., November 11, 1861.

General HEBERT, Commanding Department of Texas.

SIR: I have a commission to raise for the Confederate service an infantry company a rendezvous at on near Victoria and drill until spring unless the coast is invaded, and wish to raise a company for the above-mentioned service, but find it hard to get Texas to go into infantry companies. They say they will go mounted but no other way; that is a majority say so. I can get a good company among the Federal prisoners that are now at Camp Verde, provided they could property authorized from the mustering officer, or some other officer properly authorized, that the Confederate States would pay what is due them by the old Government. They would nearly all to a man on the Southern army, and there is about 350 of them. If they can get certificates from the Southern Government for their back pay you will oblige me much be letting me know, and to authorize the mustering officer, or some one, to give them their certificates after they shall have been mustered into the Confederate service.

Yours, &c.,


[First indorsement.]

Will Major Maclin please give the general commanding such information as he may possess in regard to the writer and whether what he proposes is advisable.

