Today in History:

885 Series I Volume XXVI-I Serial 41 - Port Hudson Part I


who are under my protection and that of my nation; nay, more, I demand that, if any such measures have been commenced, that they be forthwith discontinued so far as said citizens are interested.

I shall hold myself in instant readiness for Your Excellency's reply, and now reassure Your Excellency of my distinguished consideration.

N. J. T. DANA,


[Inclosure Numbers 3.]


December 26, 1863.

Major General N. J. T. DANA,

Commanding Thirteenth Army Corps:

In answer to your note, dated to-da, in which you refer to a forced loan made by this Government on American citizens, I have the honor to say that, it not being the desire of the Government to place any forced contributions on the American citizens, I have this moment given orders that in this respect, or anything else of the kind, there shall not be molested any citizens of the United States that shall be met with at this port.

Protesting to you the sincerity of my friendship, &c.,


Brownsville, December 27, 1863.

Brigadier General CHARLES P. STONE,

Chief of Staff.

Lieutenant-Colonel Scates, with a portion of the staff of this corps arrived here yesterday. I have the honor and gratification of acknowledging the receipt of full files of papers through the attention of the major-general commanding the Department of the Gulf, to whose kindness in this and other matters, I am deeply sensible.

The packages for the consuls at Matamoras and Monterey were immediately forwarded. I have written to the latter to forward vouchers for his outlays on account of military affairs since our advent here, in order that I may see them paid.

The First Texas Cavalry is now about 460 strong (present), and the Second (Haynes') is 300. Braubach is here with about 50 men. Fenn's efforts to supply horses have not been attended with success. Very many of them are not able to stand a single day's march. I have been compelled to stop that source of supply, and now depend on what few of superior quality are offered.

Owing to the destitute condition of the First Texas Cavalry when they reached here, and the number of cavalry recruits who have been enlisted since our arrival, the supply of clothing which I brought down has been entirely exhausted, and the new recruits and many of the old men are now suffering for want of it. I ordered requisitions for 500 new suits, which went forward some time ago, but no supplies have yet been received. I have to-day approved requisitions for 1,000 suits more and hope they will, by some peremptory means, be hurried forward.

One thousand suits of infantry clothing were also called for some time ago, and are greatly needed, but none have arrived. We have not the equipment to mount our cavalry. It will be remembered by the commanding general that I brought down here 1,000 sets of regulation