Today in History:

875 Series I Volume XXVI-I Serial 41 - Port Hudson Part I


and will be allowed to take with him such men from the detachment as he may choose. These men must go armed, and must be cautioned to act with prudence and circumspection. The objects of the expedition are-

1. To afford Union men in the State of Florida an opportunity to enlist in the service of the United States.

2. To break up or check the cattle-driving business in the neighborhood of Charlotte Harbor and as far north as practicable.

3. To procure able-bodied negroes for the service of the United States.

4. To obtain cattle for the use of the United States.

It is hoped that the force will soon become large enough to act with efficiency. It is understood that but few or no regular rebel troops are now to be found in that part of Western Florida which lies south of Tampa Bay, but that guerrillas and unauthorized men calling themselves regulators occasionally scour the country to drive away cattle and to enforce to conscription. The troops in all their operations must be governed by the laws of war and by the regulations of the War Department. Lieutenant Meyers will provide himself with copies of the printed general orders of the War Department and, if practicable of the Department of the Gulf, and cause the more important of these orders to be read to the officers and men of the detachment.

The property of men in arms against the United States may be confiscated for the use of the United States, whether these men be in the regular service or not. Peaceable citizens must not be injured in person or property. Women and children must not be disturbed. The interest of the United States alone must be consulted on all occasions. Nothing just be done to avenge old wrongs.



[Inclosure Numbers 2.]


Key West, December 18, 1863.

Brigadier General D. P. WOODBURY, U. S. Army,

Commanding Dist of Key West and Tortugas:

SIR: Agreeably to your request, I have ordered Acting Master's Mate Henry A. Crane to report to you for such duty connected with the army as you may assign him.

I would take this occasion to state that Mr. Crane is a refugee from Florida of a far superior stamp to the greater part of those who have come over to us; he, together with seven others, who were voluntarily subordinate to him, offered their services the vessel on blockade at Indian River nearly a year ago, and were received on board add supernumeraries. They proved to be of great service to us, from their knowledge of the country, their zeal, and their exemplary conduct during a series of operations along the coast, and Mr. Crane was distinguished among them for his superiority in all these qualities, in consequence of which he was induced to remain with us in his present capacity, and would have been advanced to a higher grade if he had been more of a seaman. He has been variously employed as an officer, guide, and pilot on the vessels and expeditions about Charlotte Harbor and Tampa Bay; has assisted greatly in several captures and in some small skirmishers with the enemy, and has always shown the utmost zeal, coolness, and gallantry. I understand also that he has had some military training; that he has been a colonel in the Florida militia, and that he was offered a commission as lieutenant-colonel by the rebel Government; he is