Today in History:

24 Series I Volume XXVI-I Serial 41 - Port Hudson Part I

Page 24 W.FLA., S.ALA., S.MISS., LA., TEX., N.MEX. Chapter XXXVIII.

party of Apache Indians, numbering 15 or 20, at a hot spring near Fort McRae. The captain was bathing at the time, when the Indians made a rush upon the party, killing two men, Privates N. Quintana and Mestas. Captain Pfeiffer was wounded in his side by an arrow, and Private Dolores received two shots in his right arm and hand. A citizen named Betts, who was with Captain Pfeiffer, was also wounded. The remainder of party, except the women, succeeded in reaching Fort McRae unharmed, and reported facts to Major Morrison, commanding post. He immediately started in pursuit with 20 mounted men, but did not succeed in overtaking the Indians. Mrs. Pfeiffer and the servant girls were found in the trail, badly wounded. Mr. Pfeiffer and one of the servants have since died; the other doing well. Loss in this affair, 2 privates killed, 2 women mortally wounded, 1 officer, 1 private, 1 woman, and a citizen wounded; 7 horses and 2 mules taken by the Indians. Indian loss unknown.

June 27.- Major Joseph Smith, commanding Fort Stanton, reports the loss of part of his heard of horses and mules, stolen by Indians. An infantry company sent in pursuit.

June 28.- Lieutenant W. H. Higdon, Fifth Infantry, California Volunteers, reports that on his way from Fort Stanton to Santa Fe, near Gallinas Springs, he found the bodies of Privates N. Quintana, of Company A, First New Mexico Volunteers, and John Hinkley, of Company A, Fifth California Volunteers, who had been murdered by the Indians. The Indians had evidently wounded Private Quintana, tied him to a stake, and burned him. Some legal-tender notes and several letters were found near the body of Hinckley.

July 2.- Lieutenant-Colonel Chaves reports that Captain Rafael Chacon, First New Mexico Volunteers, with 22 men, was sent in pursuit of a band of Indians who had stolen some horses and oxen from Fort Wingate. The oxen were recaptured near the post. The troops followed the trail of the Indians for three days, and finally overtook them, when a sharp fight ensued. The Indians fought with great bravery, but were finally driven from their cover, and fled. The conduct of Sergeant Antonio Jose Tresquez in this affair is highly spoken of by Captain Chacon. Indian loss unknown; troops, 1 private wounded.

July 4.- Captain N. J. Pishon reports that, with 27 men of his company, D, First Cavalry, California Volunteers, he pursued a party of 8 Indians who had driven off 104 Government mules from Fort Craig, overtook them a few miles from the post, and killed 4 Indians and recovered all the mules. Captain Julius L. Barbey, who accompanied the command, was shot through the wrist by an arrow. Privates Jackson and Bancroft were also slightly wounded.

July 12.- Captain A. H. French, First Cavalry, California Volunteers, with 27 men of his company, attacked and routed, near Fort Thorne, a band of Apache Indians, supposed to number 60 warriors. Indian loss, 10 killed and 4 horses captured. Sergeant Walsh and Farrier Burns were wounded.

July 11.- Sergeant E. W. Hoyt, of Company D, First Infantry, California Volunteers, with 3 men of Company B and 3 men of Company D, First Infantry, California Volunteers, having in charge 4 wagons en route to Las Cruces, was attacked by Indians in Cook's Pass, and forced to abandon 3 wagons and 19 mules, and had 4 men slightly wounded. Four Indians are known to have been killed and a number wounded. Sergeant Hoyt acted with the greatest coolness in this affair.

July 19.- Lieutenant Juan Marques, First New Mexico Volunteers, while

Page 24 W.FLA., S.ALA., S.MISS., LA., TEX., N.MEX. Chapter XXXVIII.