Today in History:

13 Series I Volume L-II Serial 106 - Pacific Part II


the people of Crescent City and vicinity that the military post be located on the south side of Smith River, between Crescent City and the reservation, and in view of that popular desire I took considerable trouble to ascertain the most eligible site for a military post. I succeeded in finding a spot about eight miles from Crescent City on the road to the reservation, and about four miles from the reservation, called Fort Dick Landing, or Russell's Prairie, containing 160 acres, pretty well fenced, good house, store-house, and outbuildings, good water, and plenty of timber for wood and building purposes; title U. S. patent; can be purchased for $1,000; never overflows. Cost of transportation from Crescent City, $2. 50 per ton. Most of the land is fine grazing.

As to the points of inquiry contained in your letter of instructions, I would respectfully report:

First. There is a trail, good and passable in the summer time, from Elk Camp to Redwood Camp, distance twelve miles. From Redwood Camp to Upper Gold Bluff by beach trail, sixteen miles. This trail crosses Redwood River and is impassable in the winter time during high water on the Redwood. There is another trail from Elk Camp, which crosses a branch of the Redwood but does not touch the main stream, that leads to the beach at a point called Muscle Point, distance about fourteen miles, making the distance from Elk Camp by the trail to Upper Gold Bluff twenty miles. This trail, by a little bridging and labor, can be made passable at all times of the year.

Second. Fort Ter-Waw is utterly ineligible as a depot for supplies. It will cost from 3 to 5 cents per pound to transport supplies from Crescent City to Fort Ter-Waw, and then they would have to be transported right back again to Crescent city in order to reach the troops stationed at the Smith River Reservation, at a cost of from 5 to 6 cents per pound; whereas supplies could be taken direct from Crescent City to the troops if stationed on the northern side of Smith River at about 3 cents per pound; and if stationed on the southern side of Smith River at about $2. 50 per ton.

Third. As to the most eligible site for the new post ordered to be established near Smith River, I have hereinbefore submitted my opinion. As to keeping the Indians on the reservation; as to guarding them from outrages from the whites; as to affording protection to Crescent City and the neighboring settlements, and as to economy in supplying said posts, I deem the point called Fort Dick Landing, or Russell's Prairie, the best that can be selected for a military post in that vicinity.

I herewith respectfully submit with this report a sketch or map* of the trails and points touched upon in this report. I would also respectfully call your attention to the fact that the people universally, so far as I have been able to ascertain their sentiments, are bitterly opposed to removing the Indians from this part of the country to the Smith River Reservation.

I deem it not improper to state, in conclusion, that to Second Lieutenant W. L. Ustick's ready co-operation and business capacity I am in a great measure indebted for the promptness with which I have been able to complete the duty assigned to me.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,


First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster

Second Infantry California Volunteers.


*Not found.
