Today in History:

127 Series I Volume L-I Serial 105 - Pacific Part I


retreating Texas under Colonel Steele. On their return they reported it impracticable to get to the crossing with wagons, but that the river was falling fast, and that in a short time - say one week - I would be able to accomplish my purpose of moving on Fort Fillmore, where a portion of the Texans were then quartered. I therefore determine to remain at Fort Thorn for a short time longer, to recruit the men and animals and to receive re-enforcements from Fort Craig, which I had asked for from Cow Springs, having sent an express from that point on June 28. On the 8th ultimo Captain Howland, Third U. S. Cavalry, with 100 men, arrived at Fort Thorn and reported to me for duty. I was now still more anxious to pursue the enemy, being disheartened troops, although they outnumbered me more that two to one. On the morning of the 10th ultimo I received a communication from Colonel Chivington, commanding Southern Military District of New Mexico, of which the following is an extract:

You will do all you can to learn the enemy's strength, position, and purpose, but General Canby does not design an advance from where you are until he can go in force. I am under orders to advance to Santa Barbara or thereabouts with sixteen companies of infantry and a battery of four 6-pounder guns and two 24-pounder howitzers and an additional cavalry force, to support the advance of General Carleton and to co-operate with the forces under him in the reoccupation of the valley of Mesilla.

Although this was not a positive order to remain where I was, yet it intimated too clearly the desire of the district commander to lead the advance on Mesilla and Fort Fillmore, that I felt exceedingly embarrassed as to whether I would be authorized in leaving Fort Thorn until the arrival there of Colonel Chivington; but on consultation with Captains Howland, Tilford, and Fritz I determined, unless more positively ordered, to remain, and to move down to the San Diego Crossing as soon as the water would permit. Accordingly, on the 13th ultimo, I sent Wagon-Master Black, with a party, to the crossing, to ascertain if it was yet practicable to get the train of thirteen wagons to that point. On his return the same day he reported favorably, and on the 15th ultimo I left with my command and arrived at the crossing on the 16th ultimo, a distance of eighteen miles. On the 17th ultimo I had succeeded in crossing successfully my command in a small boat, which I caused to be made for that purpose before leaving Fort Thorn. On the 19th ultimo I received from Lieutenant F. Van Vliet, acting assistant adjutant-general, the following communication:

I am instructed by the colonel commanding the district to inform you that your troops will not cross the river until further orders.

This was from Colonel Howe's acting assistant adjutant-general, he then being in command of the Southern Military District of New Mexico; but having crossed the river before its receipt, and having received supplies from Fort Craig, I determined to push on to Robledo or Dona Ana and there await his further orders, and so wrote him. But on my arrival at the latter place I dound neither forage nor grazing for the animals, and pushed on to Las Cruses, where quarters were found for the command arrival Las Cruses I at once made inquiry as to the whereabouts of the Texans, and learned from reliable authority that a por tion of them were yet at Franklin, Tex. ; that they were collecting at the point a large amount of Government property which has been by them secreted at different places on their march up the river, and that they designed selling it to a citizen of El Paso, Tex. This property I could undoubtedly have taken, and in all probability have captured