Today in History:

11 Series I Volume L-I Serial 105 - Pacific Part I


in the massacre at Indian Island and South Beach; the murederer of Yo-keel-la-bah; recently engaged in killing unoffending Indians, his party, according to their owm story, having killed eighteen at one time (eight bucks and ten squaws and children), and now at work imbruing his hands in the blood of slaughtered innocence, I do not think Mr. Larrabee can be too emphatically condemned. He certainly richly merited his recent losses.

Sumner and winter campaigning-the contrast. -The surface of the campaigning country is very uneven and exceedingly irregular-here somewhat gradual, there suddenly precipitous; here mountainous, there a deep, impassable gulch; here a branch, there a deep, windy, untraversed chasm or canon. In the Bald Mountain region lofty peaks, rising much above the ordinary Bald Mountain height, are seen at convenient intervals for watch-towers. At the approach of an enemy Indian spies on these lofty summits, with commendable vigilance and admirable keeness of vision, give the alarm and flee, so that by the time you are looking for them they are lost to view and, perhaps, many miles away. On the western side of the Bald Hills lies a very dense forest, impenetrable in many places, and extending to the Pacific Ocean, familiarly known as the Red Woods, though this appellation has a more limited significance with those who most frewuqntly use it. To the east lies a wide expanse, alternately diversified with dense sidehill forests and badl ridges, stretching for miles away till lost in the dizziness of distance. To the south of the Bald Hills terminate in two priniapl ranges of mountains, covered in the winter season with snow. Northward they sink away into the great Red Wood forest. With this brief survey before us, it will readily be seen how difficult it must be to campaign in such a country successfully or otherwise. The remakrs thus far touching campaigning are alike applicable to summer and winter. But, then, in there no difference? Let us see. In the summer the days being much longer and sun rising much earlier, a much earlier start, and consequently a much earlier camp, may be had by both men and train. Another very material consideration is the much greater certainty of progress in going from point to point. Watercourses low, and many perhaps dried up; little or no snow on the mountains to prevent progress. In the summer time there is usually but little rain to make it muddy and disagreeable. Nature herself in the springtime and summer, clad in the freshness of perennial verdure, wears a most pleasing aspect-a hope-inspiring sight and a solace to man desponding of success; but in winter how differnet the scene, how striking the contrast. In the more elevated regions the impress of death is frequently visible. The little life strirring, all exotic, foreign to the soil that principlaly, if not entirely, nourishes its existence. Rivers high and swollen, snow on the mountains, melting, togerther with rain falling, making it muddy, slippery, cold, and disagreeable; piercing winds from long and deep canons, driving a cold rain with them, only to chill you through, all combine to make one dislike the sport altogether. Winter is the season of storms. When they do come they usually last some time.

Defense of officers in the field. -I embrace this opportunity to express my perfect willingness and desire to defend my brother officers and companions in arms right straight through against the taunts, sneers, and slurs of hewgagism, whose principal business is iniquity, and whose loftiest ambition calmniation; against the floating rottenness of filthy tatters; against the surplus filth and scum of outraged society; against the fleting and shadowy fun of wholesale lying and cracking jokes at the expense of innocence.