Today in History:

122 Series I Volume XXXI-II Serial 55 - Knoxville and Lookout Mountain Part II

Page 122 KY.,SW.VA.,Tennessee,MISS.,N.ALA.,AND N.GA. Chapter XLIII.

of artillery and several hundred prisoners from Stewart's division, opposing us. The balance of the enemy that maintained any organization were driven in and captured by General Johnson's division. We captured a large quantity of flour at Rossville, 50 or 60 boxes artillery ammunition, large quantities of small-arms, among them many new ones in boxes unopened. Our loss in killed and wounded was slight, and did not compare with that inflicted upon the enemy.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



RINGGOLD, GA., November 27, 1863-6 p.m.

Major-General REYNOLDS,


I cannot leave here until my wounded are all removed. If the ambulances sent for arrive, I shall probably be able to get them off tomorrow. General Palmer's command might be withdrawn from here.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,



HEADQUARTERS ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH CORPS, Ringgold, Ga., November 28, 1863-12 m.

Major-General REYNOLDS,
Chief of Staff, Chattanooga:

Two musicians, deserters from the enemy, came in this morning. They state that Bragg's army was pretty fairly concentrated at Tunnel Hill, about 8 miles from here, the object being to cover their trains, baggage, &c. Their pickets were this side, within 3 or 4 miles from here. They thought no stand would be made this side of Atlanta. They state that the woods and ravines are full of deserters who were determined to leave the enemy now, but did not like to come into our lines, and would try to get into Kentucky and Tennessee [their homes] around our lines. The musicians were from a Kentucky regiment, and brought in their instruments with them. We have taken 70 barrels of flour, which is ordered to Chattanooga, to be delivered to the chief commissary.

Our exact casualties, as reported, of yesterday, are:

Command Killed Wounded Missing Total

General Geary 22 179 4 205

General Osterhaus 43 245 16 304

Total 65 424 20 a509

a Less 2 missing, since brought in, 507.

Very respectfully,


Major-General, Commanding.

Page 122 KY.,SW.VA.,Tennessee,MISS.,N.ALA.,AND N.GA. Chapter XLIII.