Today in History:

29 Series I Volume XXVIII-II Serial 47 - Ft. Sumter - Ft. Wagner Part II


II. The assistant engineers and the chief of the ordnance administrative departments in the field will report between 7 and 8 a.m. and 6 and 7 p.m., daily, at headquarters, for instructions.

III. Requisitions for men for night fatigue duty must be made by 9 a.m. on the same day, and for day fatigue duty by 7 p.m. on the preceding day.

By order of Brigadier General . Q. A. Gillmore:


Assistant Adjutant-General.

Washington, D. C., July 28, 1863.

Brigadier General Q. A. GILLMORE,

Commanding Department of the South:

GENERAL: Your letters of the 21st instant are received*, and cause much embarrassment. It was known when you proposed to resume the operations against Charleston that, in addition to the ordinary casualties of battle, sickness, &c., our armies would in the months of June, July, and August be reduced some 75,000 or 80,000 men. For this reason I had strongly opposed the undertaking of any new operations, and had refused to send any re-enforcements to your predecessor. You were distinctly informed that you could not have any additional troops, and it was only on the understanding that none would be required that I consented to your undertaking operations on Morris Island. Had it been supposed that you would require more troops, the operations would not have been attempted with my consent or that of the Secretary of War.

It would not be safe for me to give you more fully the present condition of our forces. Every man that we could possibly rake and scrape together is in the field in face of the enemy. To withdraw troops from General Meade would endager the safety of his army, and open the North to another raid. To take any troops from New York, Philadelphia, and the east, would be the giving up of the draft.

General Banks' army is so reduced that he cannot recover the territory lost during the siege of Port Hudson without re-enforcements. He asks them from the north; but there is not a man to send him from here, and we are obliged to detach from General Grant's army. Missouri was stripped to re-enforce Grant, and we are now obliged to send back these troops to oppose a column of 15,000 men under Price, who are now advancing toward the Missouri border. Moreover, Grant's army is greatly reduced by sickness and casualties. By detaching more troops from him now, we should lose most of the fruits of his victories. Burnside and Rosecrans are hesitating to advance till they can be re-enforced, and I have no reenforcements to give them. General Dix reports that he must be re-enforced by 15,000 men to enable him to enforce the draft. And now, at this critical juncture, comes your urgent but unexpected application for 8,000 additional troops for Morris Island. It is, to say the least, seriously embarrassing. I deeply regret that its occupation was attempted until the draft had furnished more troops.


*See p. 23.
